OCS Inventory NG Server 2.0.5 no Debian Squeeze e agentes via Active Directory - Instalação e configuração
Apresentarei neste artigo, o processo de instalação do OCS, bem como os agentes de coleta via Active Directory. Deixando-o preparado para ser integrado com o GLPI (mas esta parte, deixaremos para outro momento).
[ Hits: 31.016 ]
Por: FRANCISCO IVAN RODRIGUES DE ANDRADE em 30/09/2012 | Blog: http://twitter.com/firandrade
@echo off REM*************************************************************** REM **** OCSAgentSetup.exe install by GPO **** REM **** by Philippe BEAUMONT **** REM **** You must use it in a logon computer script in your Active Directory REM **** Not made to use with OCS Logon : Simply use the OCS setup agent REM*************************************************************** REM **** Please set here the version of the agent you use. REM **** Change it to upgrade the agent on all computer. set VERSION=20017 REM **** This is the fully qualified domain name of your OCS Inventory ng server. set OCSSERVER=http://ocs.domain.local REM **** You must put here the address of your file server where OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe is. REM **** For exemple : REM **** If OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe is on \\filesserver\public\ocs\OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe REM **** you must put : fileserver\public\ocs set INSTALLSERVER=fileserver\directory\directory_Where_Is_OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup REM **** Set to ON if you want install the SSL certificat and activate deployement feature REM **** before enable it : put the file cacert.pem on the sames directory as OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe set DEPLOYE=OFF IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x86 SET INSTALLDIR=%ProgramFiles% IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 SET INSTALLDIR=%ProgramFiles(x86)% IF EXIST "%INSTALLDIR%\OCS Inventory agent\OCSInventory.exe" goto upgrade :install \\%INSTALLSERVER%\OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup /S /SERVER=%OCSSERVER%/ocsinventory /NOSPLASH /DEBUG /NOW cd "%INSTALLDIR%\OCS Inventory agent\" echo pwouet > %VERSION%.txt goto end :upgrade IF EXIST "%INSTALLDIR%\OCS Inventory agent\%VERSION%.txt" goto end \\%INSTALLSERVER%\OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup /S /SERVER=%OCSSERVER%/ocsinventory /NOSPLASH /DEBUG /NOW cd "%INSTALLDIR%\OCS Inventory agent\" echo pwouet > %VERSION%.txt :end IF NOT %DEPLOYE%==ON goto endend IF EXIST "%INSTALLDIR%\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\cacert.pem" goto endend xcopy \\%INSTALLSERVER%\cacert.pem "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\OCS Inventory agent\" /Y :endend
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