Computação Distribuída com TORQUE Resource Manager - Parte 2

A intenção deste artigo, é fornecer uma visão geral para submissão e controle de trabalhos na estrutura do PBS/TORQUE.

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Por: Juno Kim em 21/10/2013 | Blog:

Exemplo de JOBS para o TORQUE

Segue os exemplos de scripts simples, intermediário e avançado para o TORQUE:

Exemplo 1:


# Name of my job:
#PBS -N My-Program

# Run for 1 hour:
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00

# Where to write stderr:
#PBS -e myprog.err

# Where to write stdout:
#PBS -o myprog.out

# Send me email when my job aborts, begins, or ends
#PBS -m abe

# This command switched to the directory from which the "qsub" command was run:


# Now run my program
./myprog argument1 argument2

echo Done!

Exemplo 2:

#PBS -q ccs_short
#PBS -N my_serial_job
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:noib:ppn=1
#PBS -m e

echo Start Job
cd /u00/scratch/run1
echo End Job

Exemplo 3:

### Skeleton of a PBS script for submitting sequential or parallel
### jobs on the PSI batch cluster:
### You MUST edit this skeleton and insert the parameters and commands
### for your program.
### PBS is the name of the batch scheduler protocol. The batch
### scheduler is responsible for assigning jobs to nodes in a cluster.
### It tries to make sure that jobs don't fight for processing
### resources, so that they can get the best performance. Without a
### batch scheduler, you can never be sure that some other job might
### interrupt your job on a node.
### A PBS script is a standard *nix shell script, with special
### commands for the PBS batch scheduler. Lines beginning with "#PBS"
### are NOT comments; they are PBS commands. You can comment them out
### by putting "### " in front of them.
### Once you've written the script, you can submit the job using
### the qsub command. See, for example,
### For example, if your script is called "", run the following:
### qsub
### Note that the PBS script itself only runs once, on one compute
### node. It is used to start either a process (which may optionally
### create threads on that node), or to call gexec or mpirun in order
### to start multiple MPI processes (which is only for MPI programs).

### Set the job name
#PBS -N myprogram

### Declare myprogram non-rerunable
#PBS -r n

### Uncomment to send email when the job is completed:
### #PBS -m ae
### #PBS -M your@email.address

### Optionally specify destinations for your program's output.
### Specify localhost and an NFS filesystem to prevent file copy errors.
### Without these lines or if the paths are invalid, PBS will redirect
### stdout and stderr to files in your home directory.
### #PBS -e localhost:/work/username/test.err
### #PBS -o localhost:/work/username/test.log

### Optional similar syntax words might work for staging files.
### #PBS -W stagein=/scratch/
### #PBS -W stageout=/scratch/file.out@localhost:/full/file.out

### Set the queue to "batch", "psi", or "zen".
### psi/batch serves the newer 8-core/48GB and 24-core/256GB nodes
### zen serves the older 3GHz/2-core/3GB and 8-core/16GB nodes
#PBS -q batch
###PBS -q psi
###PBS -q zen

### Specify the number of cpus for your job. This example will run on 16 cpus
### using 8 nodes with 2 processes per node.
### You MUST specify some number of nodes or Torque will fail to load balance.
#PBS -l nodes=8:ppn=2

### You should tell PBS how much memory you expect your job will use. mem=1g or mem=1024m
#PBS -l mem=256m

### Some portions of some clusters, such as older nodes in the PSI BATCH cluster,
### support Myrinet GM which is a faster interface for doing internode communication
### with MPI programs.
### If you want to run your MPI program with GM, you should add one of the following
### flags (probably just the "gm" flag) to ensure that you are assigned nodes
### with Myrinet cards:
### gm
### gm_pci64b
### gm_pcixd
### For example, to run on 4 processes on each of 2 nodes with Myrinet cards you write
### #PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=4:gm

### Other options may be available too. For example, to run on only 3GHz PSI
### nodes, add "cpu3000" to your nodes line.
### Valid options are:
### PSI 24-core: cpu2000 nehalem nehalemEx beckton mem256g
### PSI 8-core: cpu2667 nehalem gainestown mem48g
### ZEN 8-core: cpu2333 pe1950 mem16g
### ZEN 2-core: cpu3000 gm gm_pci64b pe1850 mem3g
### #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24:cpu2000 # for an exclusive reservation of a 24-core node (PSI cluster)
### #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8:cpu2667 # for an exclusive reservation of an 8-core node (PSI cluster)
### #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1:cpu2667 # use one core of an 8-core node (PSI cluster)
### #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8:cpu2333 # for an exclusive reservation of an 8-core node (ZEN cluster)
### #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2:cpu3000 # for an exclusive reservation of a 2-core node (ZEN cluster)
### #PBS -l nodes=8:ppn=2:cpu3000 # for reserving eight 2-core nodes (ZEN cluster)

### You can override the default 1 hour real-world time limit and 24-hour CPU-time.
### Shortening the default CPU-time may improve your chances of running as a back-fill job.
### Check out the current back-fill availability by running /usr/local/maui/bin/showbf on psi.
### or see the tail end of the status page:
### -l walltime=HH:MM:SS and -l cput=HH:MM:SS
### Jobs on the public clusters are currently limited to 10 days walltime.
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -l cput=24:00:00

### Switch to the working directory; by default Torque launches processes from your home directory.
### Jobs should only be run from /work; Torque returns results via NFS.

echo Working directory is $PBS_O_WORKDIR

### Run some informational commands.
echo Running on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`
echo This jobs runs on the following processors:
echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`

### Define number of processors
echo This job has allocated $NPROCS cpus

### Use gexec to run a program on the assigned processors. $GEXEC_SVRS is automatically defined for you.
gexec -n 0 myprogram

### Alternatively, run a parallel MPI executable.
mpirun -v -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $NPROCS mympiprogram

### Or, if you're running on only one node, run your executable directly:

Assim, podemos pesquisar mais algumas "features" e avançar no conhecimento.

Obrigado e espero que ajude a todos!


Página anterior    

Páginas do artigo
   1. PBS TORQUE - Controle de filas
   2. Exemplo de JOBS para o TORQUE
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