AJuda Urgente

13. Re: AJuda Urgente

Ivo Becker

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 12/04/2011 - 14:02h

Cara, isso é um simples problema de DNS...
quais os dns que está usando ?
tente usar os da OPEN DNS /
adicione eles também ao seu squid.conf

DNS da google também são bons, /



14. ivo.becker então inseri esses dns no /etc/resolv.conf

marcos martins

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 12/04/2011 - 16:14h

e continua dando o mesmo erro não sei mais o que pode ser tipo no squid.conf não inseri pois não sei aonde inserir.
ta complicado ja ela pra tar rodando esse servidor squid

15. Re: AJuda Urgente

Daniel Roque

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 13/04/2011 - 09:23h

vamos lá, se não funcionar eu desisto

dpkg-reconfigure squid

deixe seu arquivo /etc/nsswitch.conf
com o seguinte conteudo
passwd: compat
group: compat
shadow: compat
hosts: files dns wins
networks: files
protocols: db files
services: db files
ethers: db files
rpc: db files
netgroup: nis

ok deixe seu arquivo /etc/hosts com o seguinte conteudo localhost

deixe o arquivo /etc/squid/squid.conf como o seguinte conteudor
visible_hostname localhost
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl SSL_ports port 563
acl SSL_ports port 873
acl Safe_ports port 80
acl Safe_ports port 21
acl Safe_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 70
acl Safe_ports port 210
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535
acl Safe_ports port 280
acl Safe_ports port 488
acl Safe_ports port 591
acl Safe_ports port 777
acl Safe_ports port 631
acl Safe_ports port 873
acl Safe_ports port 901
acl purge method PURGE
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access allow purge localhost
http_access deny purge
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow localhost
icp_access allow all
http_port 3128 transparent
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
cache deny QUERY
access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid
acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache
broken_vary_encoding allow apache
hosts_file /etc/hosts
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid
cache_mem 20 MB
maximum_object_size 20 MB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 200 KB
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 200 16 256

http_access allow all

ok agora execute

killall -s KILL squid
/etc/init.d/squid start

16. ainda não deu certoo

marcos martins

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 13/04/2011 - 10:09h

tipo agora demora pra carregar e aparece o mesmo erro ta fods não tenho mais ideia do que pode ser

17. Re: AJuda Urgente

Daniel Roque

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 13/04/2011 - 10:18h

faz assim
mate o squid
killall -s KILL squid
execute o comando abaixo e cole a saida de erro aqui

squid -N -S -X -f /etc/squid/squid.conf

18. Re: AJuda Urgente

Daniel Roque

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 13/04/2011 - 10:19h

quero dizer, cole tudo que for gerado pelo comando, TUDO

19. SEgundo akele squid que vc me passou

marcos martins

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 13/04/2011 - 14:42h

gerou estes dados
o que este comando faz squid -N -S -X -f /etc/squid/squid.conf

2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: announce_period 0
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: announce_host tracker.ircache.net
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: announce_port 3131
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: httpd_accel_no_pmtu_disc off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: delay_pools 0
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: delay_initial_bucket_level 50
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: wccp_router
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: wccp_version 4
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: wccp2_rebuild_wait on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: wccp2_forwarding_method 1
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: wccp2_return_method 1
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: wccp2_assignment_method 1
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: wccp2_weight 10000
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: wccp_address
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: wccp2_address
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: client_persistent_connections on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: server_persistent_connections on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: persistent_connection_after_error off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: detect_broken_pconn off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: digest_generation on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: digest_bits_per_entry 5
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: digest_rebuild_period 1 hour
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: digest_rewrite_period 1 hour
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: digest_swapout_chunk_size 4096 bytes
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: digest_rebuild_chunk_percentage 10
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: snmp_port 0
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: snmp_incoming_address
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: snmp_outgoing_address
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: icp_port 3130
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: log_icp_queries on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: udp_incoming_address
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: udp_outgoing_address
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: icp_hit_stale off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: minimum_direct_hops 4
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: minimum_direct_rtt 400
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: netdb_low 900
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: netdb_high 1000
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: netdb_ping_period 5 minutes
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: query_icmp off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: test_reachability off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: icp_query_timeout 0
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: maximum_icp_query_timeout 2000
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: minimum_icp_query_timeout 5
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: mcast_icp_query_timeout 2000
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: icon_directory /usr/share/squid/icons
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: global_internal_static on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: short_icon_urls off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: error_directory /usr/share/squid/errors/English
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: nonhierarchical_direct on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: prefer_direct off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: incoming_icp_average 6
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: incoming_http_average 4
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: incoming_dns_average 4
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: min_icp_poll_cnt 8
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: min_dns_poll_cnt 8
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: min_http_poll_cnt 8
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: tcp_recv_bufsize 0 bytes
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: check_hostnames on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: allow_underscore on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: dns_retransmit_interval 5 seconds
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: dns_timeout 2 minutes
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: dns_defnames off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: hosts_file /etc/hosts
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: ignore_unknown_nameservers on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: ipcache_size 1024
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: ipcache_low 90
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: ipcache_high 95
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: fqdncache_size 1024
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: memory_pools on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: memory_pools_limit 5 MB
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: forwarded_for on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: client_db on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: reload_into_ims off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: maximum_single_addr_tries 1
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: retry_on_error off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: as_whois_server whois.ra.net
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: offline_mode off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: uri_whitespace strip
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: balance_on_multiple_ip on
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: pipeline_prefetch off
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: high_response_time_warning 0
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: high_page_fault_warning 0
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: high_memory_warning 0 KB
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: sleep_after_fork 0
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: max_filedesc 1024
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'visible_hostname localhost.localdomain'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: visible_hostname localhost.localdomain
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl all src'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl all src
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'all'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseIpData:
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl manager proto cache_object'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl manager proto cache_object
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'manager'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl localhost src'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl localhost src
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'localhost'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseIpData:
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl to_localhost dst'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl to_localhost dst
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'to_localhost'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseIpData:
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl SSL_ports port 443 '
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl SSL_ports port 443
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'SSL_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl SSL_ports port 563'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl SSL_ports port 563
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'SSL_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl SSL_ports port 873'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl SSL_ports port 873
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'SSL_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 80'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 80
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 21'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 21
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 443'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 443
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 70'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 70
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 210'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 210
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 280'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 280
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 488'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 488
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 591'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 591
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 777'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 777
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 631'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 631
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 873'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 873
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 901'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 901
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl purge method PURGE'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl purge method PURGE
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'purge'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl CONNECT method CONNECT'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl CONNECT method CONNECT
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'CONNECT'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'http_access allow manager localhost'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: http_access allow manager localhost
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'manager'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'localhost'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'http_access deny manager'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: http_access deny manager
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'manager'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'http_access allow purge localhost'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: http_access allow purge localhost
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'purge'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'localhost'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'http_access deny purge'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: http_access deny purge
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'purge'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'http_access deny !Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: http_access deny !Safe_ports
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'CONNECT'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'SSL_ports'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'http_access allow localhost'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: http_access allow localhost
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'localhost'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'icp_access allow all'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: icp_access allow all
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'http_port 3128 transparent'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: http_port 3128 transparent
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'QUERY'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'cache deny QUERY'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: cache deny QUERY
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'QUERY'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Log definition name 'squid' file '/var/log/squid/access.log'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'apache'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'broken_vary_encoding allow apache'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: broken_vary_encoding allow apache
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'apache'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'extension_methods REPORT MERGE MKACTIVITY CHECKOUT'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: extension_methods REPORT MERGE MKACTIVITY CHECKOUT
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Extension method 'REPORT' already exists
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Extension method 'MERGE' already exists
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Extension method 'MKACTIVITY' already exists
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Extension method 'CHECKOUT' already exists
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'hosts_file /etc/hosts'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: hosts_file /etc/hosts
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'coredump_dir /var/spool/squid'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: coredump_dir /var/spool/squid
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'cache_mem 20 MB'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: cache_mem 20 MB
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'maximum_object_size 20 MB'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: maximum_object_size 20 MB
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'maximum_object_size_in_memory 200 KB'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: maximum_object_size_in_memory 200 KB
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 200 16 256'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 200 16 256
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Processing: 'http_access allow all'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: http_access allow all
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: http_reply_access allow all
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: ident_lookup_access deny all
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: reply_body_max_size 0 allow all
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: follow_x_forwarded_for deny all
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: wccp2_service standard 0
2011/04/13 14:44:28| wccp2_add_service_list: added service id 0
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: snmp_access deny all
2011/04/13 14:44:28| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/13 14:44:28| parse_line: dns_testnames netscape.com internic.net nlanr.net microsoft.com
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Initialising SSL.
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Using SSLv2/SSLv3.
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Setting RSA key generation callback.
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Setting certificate verification callback.
2011/04/13 14:44:28| Setting CA certificate locations.
2011/04/13 14:44:28| cachemgrRegister: registered config
2011/04/13 14:44:28| fd_open FD 4 epoll ctl
2011/04/13 14:44:28| fd_open FD 0 stdin
2011/04/13 14:44:28| fd_open FD 1 stdout
2011/04/13 14:44:28| fd_open FD 2 stderr
2011/04/13 14:44:28| leave_suid: PID 4770 called
2011/04/13 14:44:28| leave_suid: PID 4770 giving up root, becoming 'squid'

20. Re: AJuda Urgente

Daniel Roque

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 13/04/2011 - 15:00h

de acordo com isto aqui

o usuário do squid não tem os devidos acesso onde deveria
chmod 755 /etc
chmod 775 /etc/squid -R
nao sei qual o nome do usuario que o seu squid esta utlizando aqui no meu é o proxy o seu deve ser este tambem em todo caso, tente
chown proxy.proxy /etc/squid -R

agora no cache
chmod 755 /var
chmod 755 /var/spool
chmod 755 /var/spool/squid

chown proxy.proxy /var/spool/squid

chmod 755 /var
chmod 755 /var/log
chmod 775 /var/log/squid/
chown proxy.proxy /var/log/squid -R

killall -s KILL squid
rm -Rf /var/spool/squid/*
squid -z

agora novamente
squid -N -S -X -f /etc/squid/squid.conf

veja o que acontece e cole aqui, tavez se abortar novamente, tente novamente mas com chown squid.squid ao inves de proxy.proxy

21. aconteceu isto

marcos martins

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 14/04/2011 - 10:15h

2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: announce_period 0
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: announce_host tracker.ircache.net
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: announce_port 3131
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: httpd_accel_no_pmtu_disc off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: delay_pools 0
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: delay_initial_bucket_level 50
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: wccp_router
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: wccp_version 4
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: wccp2_rebuild_wait on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: wccp2_forwarding_method 1
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: wccp2_return_method 1
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: wccp2_assignment_method 1
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: wccp2_weight 10000
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: wccp_address
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: wccp2_address
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: client_persistent_connections on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: server_persistent_connections on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: persistent_connection_after_error off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: detect_broken_pconn off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: digest_generation on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: digest_bits_per_entry 5
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: digest_rebuild_period 1 hour
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: digest_rewrite_period 1 hour
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: digest_swapout_chunk_size 4096 bytes
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: digest_rebuild_chunk_percentage 10
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: snmp_port 0
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: snmp_incoming_address
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: snmp_outgoing_address
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: icp_port 3130
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: log_icp_queries on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: udp_incoming_address
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: udp_outgoing_address
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: icp_hit_stale off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: minimum_direct_hops 4
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: minimum_direct_rtt 400
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: netdb_low 900
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: netdb_high 1000
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: netdb_ping_period 5 minutes
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: query_icmp off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: test_reachability off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: icp_query_timeout 0
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: maximum_icp_query_timeout 2000
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: minimum_icp_query_timeout 5
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: mcast_icp_query_timeout 2000
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: icon_directory /usr/share/squid/icons
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: global_internal_static on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: short_icon_urls off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: error_directory /usr/share/squid/errors/English
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: nonhierarchical_direct on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: prefer_direct off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: incoming_icp_average 6
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: incoming_http_average 4
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: incoming_dns_average 4
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: min_icp_poll_cnt 8
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: min_dns_poll_cnt 8
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: min_http_poll_cnt 8
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: tcp_recv_bufsize 0 bytes
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: check_hostnames on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: allow_underscore on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: dns_retransmit_interval 5 seconds
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: dns_timeout 2 minutes
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: dns_defnames off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: hosts_file /etc/hosts
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: ignore_unknown_nameservers on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: ipcache_size 1024
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: ipcache_low 90
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: ipcache_high 95
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: fqdncache_size 1024
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: memory_pools on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: memory_pools_limit 5 MB
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: forwarded_for on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: client_db on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: reload_into_ims off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: maximum_single_addr_tries 1
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: retry_on_error off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: as_whois_server whois.ra.net
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: offline_mode off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: uri_whitespace strip
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: balance_on_multiple_ip on
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: pipeline_prefetch off
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: high_response_time_warning 0
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: high_page_fault_warning 0
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: high_memory_warning 0 KB
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: sleep_after_fork 0
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: max_filedesc 1024
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'visible_hostname localhost.localdomain'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: visible_hostname localhost.localdomain
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl all src'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl all src
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'all'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseIpData:
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl manager proto cache_object'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl manager proto cache_object
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'manager'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl localhost src'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl localhost src
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'localhost'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseIpData:
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl to_localhost dst'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl to_localhost dst
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'to_localhost'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseIpData:
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl SSL_ports port 443 '
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl SSL_ports port 443
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'SSL_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl SSL_ports port 563'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl SSL_ports port 563
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'SSL_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl SSL_ports port 873'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl SSL_ports port 873
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'SSL_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 80'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 80
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 21'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 21
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 443'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 443
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 70'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 70
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 210'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 210
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 280'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 280
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 488'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 488
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 591'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 591
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 777'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 777
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 631'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 631
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 873'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 873
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 901'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 901
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl purge method PURGE'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl purge method PURGE
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'purge'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl CONNECT method CONNECT'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl CONNECT method CONNECT
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'CONNECT'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'http_access allow manager localhost'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: http_access allow manager localhost
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'manager'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'localhost'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'http_access deny manager'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: http_access deny manager
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'manager'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'http_access allow purge localhost'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: http_access allow purge localhost
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'purge'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'localhost'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'http_access deny purge'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: http_access deny purge
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'purge'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'http_access deny !Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: http_access deny !Safe_ports
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'Safe_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'CONNECT'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'SSL_ports'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'http_access allow localhost'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: http_access allow localhost
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'localhost'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'icp_access allow all'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: icp_access allow all
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'http_port 3128 transparent'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: http_port 3128 transparent
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'QUERY'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'cache deny QUERY'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: cache deny QUERY
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'QUERY'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Log definition name 'squid' file '/var/log/squid/access.log'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'apache'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'broken_vary_encoding allow apache'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: broken_vary_encoding allow apache
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'apache'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'extension_methods REPORT MERGE MKACTIVITY CHECKOUT'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: extension_methods REPORT MERGE MKACTIVITY CHECKOUT
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Extension method 'REPORT' already exists
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Extension method 'MERGE' already exists
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Extension method 'MKACTIVITY' already exists
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Extension method 'CHECKOUT' already exists
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'hosts_file /etc/hosts'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: hosts_file /etc/hosts
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'coredump_dir /var/spool/squid'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: coredump_dir /var/spool/squid
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'cache_mem 20 MB'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: cache_mem 20 MB
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'maximum_object_size 20 MB'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: maximum_object_size 20 MB
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'maximum_object_size_in_memory 200 KB'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: maximum_object_size_in_memory 200 KB
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 200 16 256'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 200 16 256
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Processing: 'http_access allow all'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: http_access allow all
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: http_reply_access allow all
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: ident_lookup_access deny all
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: reply_body_max_size 0 allow all
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: follow_x_forwarded_for deny all
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: wccp2_service standard 0
2011/04/14 10:19:37| wccp2_add_service_list: added service id 0
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: snmp_access deny all
2011/04/14 10:19:37| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2011/04/14 10:19:37| parse_line: dns_testnames netscape.com internic.net nlanr.net microsoft.com
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Initialising SSL.
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Using SSLv2/SSLv3.
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Setting RSA key generation callback.
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Setting certificate verification callback.
2011/04/14 10:19:37| Setting CA certificate locations.
2011/04/14 10:19:37| cachemgrRegister: registered config
2011/04/14 10:19:37| fd_open FD 4 epoll ctl
2011/04/14 10:19:37| fd_open FD 0 stdin
2011/04/14 10:19:37| fd_open FD 1 stdout
2011/04/14 10:19:37| fd_open FD 2 stderr
2011/04/14 10:19:37| leave_suid: PID 11101 called
2011/04/14 10:19:37| leave_suid: PID 11101 giving up root, becoming 'squid'

22. Re: AJuda Urgente

Wilker Azevedo

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 14/04/2011 - 12:59h

Nos meus clientes, quando não crio um servidor de DNS eu costumo usar do google, que em alguns casos respondem mais rápido que alguns no Brasil:


Verifique se "nameserver" está escrito corretamente, pois já apanhei disso kkkkk.
Se no squid.conf não constar dns, então ele pega os defaults no resolv.conf

Segundo a mensagem de erro apresentada inicialmente, o problema é unicamente pelo fato do squid não conseguir um "retorno" do servidor de DNS (timeout).

Maiores detalhes podem ser obtidos no arquivo cache.log do squid.

Tente pingar de dentro do servidor onde está o squid:

# ping registro.br

Se o resolv.conf estiver correto não tem como dar erro, considerando que ip e rota estão ok.
Se o squid.conf estivesse bloqueando o acesso então a mensagem seria "Acesso Negado".

Tente navegar por ip, coloque no navegador:
Isso deve abrir o site do registro.br, já que não precisa resolver nome no dns.

23. Re: AJuda Urgente

Daniel Roque

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 14/04/2011 - 13:12h

passa o log do sistema para gente tambem
tail -f /var/log/syslog |grep squid

24. apareceu este relatorio

marcos martins

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 14/04/2011 - 16:41h

1302635981.966 155380 TCP_MISS/503 1652 POST http://sn1msg2020227.ga teway.messenger.live.com/gateway/gateway.dll? - DIRECT/sn1msg2020227.gateway.mes senger.live.com text/html
1302635981.966 84462 TCP_MISS/503 1652 POST http://sn1msg2020227.ga teway.messenger.live.com/gateway/gateway.dll? - DIRECT/sn1msg2020227.gateway.mes senger.live.com text/html
1302635981.966 84104 TCP_MISS/503 1652 POST http://sn1msg2020227.ga teway.messenger.live.com/gateway/gateway.dll? - DIRECT/sn1msg2020227.gateway.mes senger.live.com text/html
1302699976.031 72134 TCP_MISS/000 0 GET http://msnportal.112.2o7.ne t/b/ss/msnportalbrcorpeesaude/1/H.1-pdv-2/s04495086099691? - DIRECT/msnportal.11 2.2o7.net -
1302699976.090 72161 TCP_MISS/000 0 GET http://c.msn.com/c.gif? - D IRECT/c.msn.com -
1302700061.180 156195 TCP_MISS/503 1653 POST http://sn1msg3020326.ga teway.messenger.live.com/gateway/gateway.dll? - DIRECT/sn1msg3020326.gateway.mes senger.live.com text/html
1302700066.185 110728 TCP_MISS/503 1604 GET http://talkgadget.google .com/talkgadget/channel/bind? - DIRECT/talkgadget.google.com text/html
1302700066.185 155616 TCP_MISS/503 1604 GET http://talkgadget.google .com/talkgadget/channel/bind? - DIRECT/talkgadget.google.com text/html
1302700132.247 156143 TCP_MISS/503 1544 GET http://www.google.com.br / - DIRECT/www.google.com.br text/html
1302700287.437 155145 TCP_MISS/503 1567 GET http://amer.rel.msn.com/ default.aspx? - DIRECT/amer.rel.msn.com text/html

01 02 03


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