Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?

1. Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?

Manuel Santos A.

(usa Outra)

Enviado em 01/07/2017 - 15:40h

Esse site em português bem mais simples:
Esse site em inglês mais complexo:

Vocês acham que esses sites ajudam realmente em algo? Acham que respondendo um quiz já o suficiente pra saber qual a distro vc deve usar?

Vi isso no face e nada melhor que perguntar a vcs que são usuários antigos


2. Tópico: Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 01/07/2017 - 16:49h

Testei o em português e pareceu razoável, mas indica distros pouco conhecidas, e que não sei se não tem muitos bugs, vou indicar outros sites:

3. Re: Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 01/07/2017 - 21:14h

Você deveria testar ao invés de ter essas preocupações. Nem que fosse em máquina virtual.

4. Re: Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?


(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 01/07/2017 - 22:32h

listeiro_037 escreveu:

Você deveria testar ao invés de ter essas preocupações. Nem que fosse em máquina virtual.


Esse site é melhor que alguns que já vi, respondendo suas perguntas essas foram as distros indicada para mim:



1. Software: Use case
2. Computer knowledge
3. Linux Knowlege
4. Installation: Presets
5. Installation: Live-Test needed?
6. Installation: Hardware support
7. Configuration: Help source
8. Distributions: User experience concept
9. Distributions: Price
10. Distributions: Scope
11. Distributions: Ideology
12. Distributions: Privacy
13. Distributions: Preset themes, icons and wallpapers
14. Distribution: Special features
15. Software: Administration
16. Software: Updates


Void Linux: 81%

Void Linux is a new Linux distribution without relation to other distributions. The programs are linked against the musl or libc. The package manager XBPS allows to install programs from source or via binary. Void Linux uses runit instead of systemd.

Why Void Linux?

Computer knowledge: Advanced
 Computer knowledge: Expert
Linux knowledge: Expert
 Linux knowledge: Advanced
Installation on hard disk possible
Help with troubleshooting mostly with wiki articles and tutorials
 Community can help troubleshooting problems
Free to use
Installs only base operating system
Uses non-free licenses if needed
Does not connect to online services if the user does not init them
Software installation mostly via shell
Fast, but maybe unstable updates
Suitable for daily usage
Computer age: My system is up-to-date
 Suitable Variant for older systems existing
Offers editions without systemd

Devuan: 75%

Devuan is a fork of Debian and does not use systemd. Instead, runit, sysvinit and others can be used as a replacement.

Why Devuan?

 Computer knowledge: Expert
Linux knowledge: Expert
 Linux knowledge: Advanced
Computer knowledge: Advanced
Installation on hard disk possible
Help with troubleshooting mostly with wiki articles and tutorials
User interface similar to other non-linux operating systems
Help with troubleshooting mostly with wiki articles and tutorials
Installs only base operating system
 uses mostly free licenses
Does not connect to online services if the user does not init them
Software installation mostly via shell
 Stable updates
Suitable for daily usage
Offers editions without systemd

Qubes OS: 75%

Qubes OS runs all applications inside virtual environments. The environments are either based on Fedora, Debian, Whonix or Windows. Using this isolation technique, a better security is granted for the user.

Why Qubes OS?

Computer knowledge: Advanced
 Computer knowledge: Expert
Linux knowledge: Expert
Installation on hard disk possible
Help with troubleshooting mostly with wiki articles and tutorials
 Community can help troubleshooting problems
Free to use
Installs only base operating system
Uses non-free licenses if needed
Does not connect to online services if the user does not init them
Software installation mostly via shell
Fast, but maybe unstable updates
Suitable for daily usage
 Applications are executed in isolated containers to improve security
Computer age: My system is up-to-date

Gentoo Linux: 69%

Gentoo Linux (/ˈdʒɛntuː/ jen-too[2]) is a computer operating system based on the Linux kernel and built using the Portage package management system. It is distributed as free and open source software. Unlike a binary software distribution, the source code is compiled locally according to the user's preferences and is often optimized for the specific type of computer. Precompiled binaries are available for some very large packages and for packages whose source code has not been released. The "Gentoo" name comes from the fast-swimming Gentoo penguin. It was chosen to reflect the potential speed improvements of machine-specific optimization. Gentoo package management is designed to be modular, portable, easy to maintain, and flexible. Gentoo is sometimes described as a meta-distribution, "because of its near-unlimited adaptability", in that the majority of users have configurations and sets of installed programs which are unique to themselves.

Why Gentoo Linux?

 Computer knowledge: Expert
Linux knowledge: Expert
Installation on hard disk possible
Help with troubleshooting mostly with wiki articles and tutorials
 Community can help troubleshooting problems
Free to use
Installs only base operating system
Uses non-free licenses if needed
Does not connect to online services if the user does not init them
Software installation mostly via shell
Fast, but maybe unstable updates
Suitable for daily usage
Offers editions without systemd

NixOS Linux: 69%

NixOS is a Linux distribution based on the nix package manager. The main feature of this distribution is the declarative configuration - every component of the system, from the bootloader to the desktop is configured with the same manager (Nix).

Why NixOS Linux?

Computer knowledge: Advanced
 Computer knowledge: Expert
Linux knowledge: Expert
Installation on hard disk possible
Help with troubleshooting mostly with wiki articles and tutorials
 Community can help troubleshooting problems
Free to use
Installs only base operating system
Uses non-free licenses if needed
Does not connect to online services if the user does not init them
Software installation mostly via shell
Fast, but maybe unstable updates
Suitable for daily usage
 Applications are executed in isolated containers to improve security

Slackware: 69%

Slackware is a Linux distribution created by Patrick Volkerding in 1993. Originally based on Softlanding Linux System, Slackware has been the basis for many other Linux distributions, most notably the first versions of SUSE Linux, and is the oldest currently being maintained. Slackware aims for design stability and simplicity and to be the most "Unix-like" Linux distribution. It makes as few modifications as possible to software packages from upstream and tries not to anticipate use cases or preclude user decisions.

Why Slackware?

 Computer knowledge: Expert
Linux knowledge: Expert
Installation on hard disk possible
Help with troubleshooting mostly with wiki articles and tutorials
 Community can help troubleshooting problems
Free to use
Installs only base operating system
Uses non-free licenses if needed
Does not connect to online services if the user does not init them
Software installation mostly via shell
Fast, but maybe unstable updates
Suitable for daily usage
Offers editions without systemd

Linux from Scratch: 63%

Linux From Scratch is a project that provides you with step-by-step instructions for building your own customized Linux system entirely from source.

Why Linux from Scratch?

 Computer knowledge: Expert
Linux knowledge: Expert
Installation on hard disk possible
Help with troubleshooting mostly with wiki articles and tutorials
 Community can help troubleshooting problems
Free to use
Installs only base operating system
Uses non-free licenses if needed
Does not connect to online services if the user does not init them
Software installation mostly via shell
Suitable for daily usage
Offers editions without systemd
 Installs software from source without package manager

Bedrock Linux: 56%

Bedrock Linux is a Linux distribution created with the aim of making most of the (often seemingly mutually-exclusive) benefits of various other Linux distributions available simultaneously and transparently.

Why Bedrock Linux?

 Computer knowledge: Expert
Linux knowledge: Expert
Installation on hard disk possible
Help with troubleshooting mostly with wiki articles and tutorials
 Community can help troubleshooting problems
Free to use
Installs only base operating system
Uses non-free licenses if needed
Does not connect to online services if the user does not init them
Software installation mostly via shell
Suitable for daily usage
 Able to install packages of other distributions without additional efford

5. Re: Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 01/07/2017 - 22:35h

E não é que o site é bacana? Mostra também que a distro sugerida não usa SystemD. Gostei de terem colocado LFS na listagem. Simpatizei.

6. Re: Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?


(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 01/07/2017 - 22:43h

listeiro_037 escreveu:

E não é que o site é bacana? Mostra também que a distro sugerida não usa SystemD. Gostei de terem colocado LFS na listagem. Simpatizei.

É porque o SystemD está incluso numa das respostas, algo do tipo: "sei o que é e como evitá-lo"

7. Re: Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?


(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 01/07/2017 - 22:50h

Dos citados em meu teste, só ouvi falar do NixOS e o BedRock Linux (um tipo de frankenstein que mescla vários gerenciadores de pacotes num único sistema).

Já o tal do Qubes OS nunca vi mais feio! mas deve exigir um certo grau de conhecimento já que diz ser baseado em Fedora, Debian, Whonix ou Windows, deve ser uma .....

OS demais já testei ou usei todos e o que postei foi somente uma parte pois logo abaixo do BedRock vieram inúmeras distros sendo as mesmas consideradas inelegíveis por determinado motivo: Antergos, Arch Linux, Xubuntu, etc

8. Re: Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?

Clodoaldo Santos

(usa Linux Mint)

Enviado em 01/07/2017 - 23:11h
-basta responder as perguntas ou começar começar linuxmint, ubuntu, fedora, mageia, debian

9. Re: Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 01/07/2017 - 23:45h

Meio tendencioso o tal do Distrochooser não ??? se marcar que quer evitar o systemd aí que entra água mesmo !!!

Qubes OS: 71%
Arch Linux: 65%
NixOS Linux: 65%
Void Linux: 65%
Bedrock Linux: 59%
Devuan: 59%
Gentoo Linux: 59%
Linux from Scratch: 59%
Slackware: 59%
Debian: 53%
Scientific Linux: 53%
CentOS: 47%
Red Hat Enterprise Linux: 47%

------------------------------------------| Linux User #621728 |-----------------------------------------
" Nem sempre é amigo aquele que te tira do buraco !!! ( Saddam Hussein )"
------------------------------------------| Linux User #621728 |-----------------------------------------

10. Re: Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 02/07/2017 - 00:01h

Geralmente quando faço esses testes de internet, fico brincando com os parâmetros para testar resultados distorcidos.

Aqui deram resultados bizarros. Pelo jeito estou perdendo tempo com Debian.

Void Linux: 46% Website
Qubes OS: 42% Website
NixOS Linux: 38% Website
Linux from Scratch: 38% Website
Gentoo Linux: 33% Website
Slackware: 33% Website


Antergos: Excluded Website
Arch Linux: Excluded Website
Bedrock Linux: Excluded Website
CentOS: Excluded Website
Debian: Excluded Website
Devuan: Excluded Website
elementary OS: Excluded Website
Fedora Workstation: Excluded Website

11. Re: Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 02/07/2017 - 00:04h

listeiro_037 escreveu:

Geralmente quando faço esses testes de internet, fico brincando com os parâmetros para testar resultados distorcidos.

Aqui deram resultados bizarros. Pelo jeito estou perdendo tempo com Debian.

agora se vc desmarcar a parada do systemd as "usuais" apareceram com pontuação baixa ... mais essas distros "obscuras" continuaram no topo !!!

------------------------------------------| Linux User #621728 |-----------------------------------------
" Nem sempre é amigo aquele que te tira do buraco !!! ( Saddam Hussein )"
------------------------------------------| Linux User #621728 |-----------------------------------------

12. Re: Esses sites são confiáveis pra descobrir a sua distro ideal?


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 02/07/2017 - 00:07h

Fiquei na dúvida ... essa distro Bedrock é distro dos Flintstones ???

------------------------------------------| Linux User #621728 |-----------------------------------------
" Nem sempre é amigo aquele que te tira do buraco !!! ( Saddam Hussein )"
------------------------------------------| Linux User #621728 |-----------------------------------------

01 02


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