compilar [RESOLVIDO]

1. compilar [RESOLVIDO]

daniel gaudencio costa

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 23/08/2017 - 00:14h

ola pessoal saudações ha todos preciso compilar e instalar esse driver rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0015.0127.2010
no fedora 25


2. Re: compilar [RESOLVIDO]

Luiz Santos

(usa Gentoo)

Enviado em 23/08/2017 - 08:25h

gaudenciodaniel escreveu:

ola pessoal saudações ha todos preciso compilar e instalar esse driver rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0015.0127.2010
no fedora 25

Algum motivo especial para ter que compilar este driver?

Este é um driver de wifi, logo, posso supor que teu wifi não está funcionando. Não precisa compilar este driver a não ser que tenha um motivo bem especial para isto, pois ele já está presente no pacote linux-firmware. Basta instalar este pacote através do teu gerenciador de pacotes. Se mesmo assim o kernel não alocar este driver para tua placa automaticamente, basta entrar no kernel e habilitá-lo por lá. Se tiver dúvidas quanto à isto, te ajudaremos.


Larry, The Cow, uses Gentoo GNU/Linux


"If it moves, compile it."

3. Compilarb

daniel gaudencio costa

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 23/08/2017 - 09:52h

Bom dia amigo obrigado por me ajudar entao comdisse o firmware tentei sim insstalar mas da erro entao baixei esse drive pra versao linux atraves de uma pesquisa que fiz

4. Compilarb

daniel gaudencio costa

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 23/08/2017 - 09:58h

Bom dia amigo obrigado por me ajudar entao comdisse o firmware tentei sim insstalar mas da erro entao baixei esse drive pra versao linux atraves de uma pesquisa que fiz

5. Re: compilar [RESOLVIDO]

Luiz Santos

(usa Gentoo)

Enviado em 23/08/2017 - 10:17h

Ok... você já extraiu o arquivo baixado?

Qual é o conteúdo da pasta? Poderia postar o conteúdo do arquivo README e Makefile? Só para desencargo...


Larry, The Cow, uses Gentoo GNU/Linux


"If it moves, compile it."

6. compilar

daniel gaudencio costa

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 23/08/2017 - 18:49h

sim ai esta o makefile

LINUX_KSRC_MODULE = /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/
RTL819x_DIR = $(shell pwd)
KVER = $(shell uname -r)
KSRC = /lib/modules/$(KVER)/build
RTL819x_FIRM_DIR = $(RTL819x_DIR)/firmware
HAL_SUB_DIR = rtl8192
MODULE_FILE = $(RTL819x_DIR)/rtllib/Module.symvers


ifeq ($(shell uname -r|cut -d. -f1,2), 2.4)
# @make -C $(RTL819x_DIR)/rtllib
@make -C $(RTL819x_DIR)/HAL/$(HAL_SUB_DIR)
@make -C $(RTL819x_DIR)/wapi_supplicant
# @make -C $(KSRC) SUBDIRS=$(RTL819x_DIR)/rtllib modules
# @test -f $(MODULE_FILE) && cp $(MODULE_FILE) $(RTL819x_DIR)/HAL/$(HAL_SUB_DIR) || echo > /dev/null
@make -C $(KSRC) SUBDIRS=$(RTL819x_DIR)/HAL/$(HAL_SUB_DIR) modules
# @make -C $(RTL819x_DIR)/wapi_supplicant
install: all
@mkdir /etc/acpi/events/ -p
@cp $(RTL819x_DIR)/ /etc/acpi/events/
@cp $(RTL819x_DIR)/ /etc/acpi/
@make -C HAL/$(HAL_SUB_DIR)/ install
# @cp $(RTL819x_DIR)/wapi_supplicant/wapi_supplicant /usr/bin/
@make -C HAL/$(HAL_SUB_DIR)/ uninstall
@rm -f /etc/acpi/
@rm -f /usr/bin/wapi_supplicant
@make -C HAL/$(HAL_SUB_DIR)/ clean
@make -C rtllib/ clean
@test -r mshclass/ && make -C mshclass/ clean|| echo > /dev/null
@test -r wapi_supplicant/ && make -C wapi_supplicant/ clean|| echo > /dev/null
@rm -fr Modules.symvers
@rm -fr Module.symvers
@rm -fr Module.markers
@rm -fr modules.order
@rm -fr *~
@rm -f ta

Release Date: 2010-0127, ver 0015
RTL8192SE Linux driver
--This driver supports RealTek rtl8192SE PCI Wireless LAN NIC
2.6 kernel:
Fedora Core 2/3/4/5, Debian 3.1, Mandrake 10.2/Mandriva 2006,
SUSE 9.3/10.1/10.2, Gentoo 3.1, Ubuntu 7.10/8.04/8.10/9.04/9.10,
moblin(V2), android-x86_090916, etc.
2.4 kernel:
Redhat 9.0/9.1

I. Component
The driver is composed of several parts:
1. Firmare to make nic work
1.1 firmare/RTL8192SE

2. Module source code
2.1 rtllib
2.2 HAL/rtl8192
2.3 wpa_supplicant-0.6.9.tar.gz (User can download the latest version
from internet also, but it is suggested to use default package
contained in the distribution because there should less compilation

3. Script to build the modules
3.1 Makefile

4. Script to load/unload modules
4.1 wlan0up
4.2 wlan0down

5. Script and configuration for DHCP
5.1 wlan0dhcp
5.2 ifcfg-wlan0

6. Example of supplicant configuration file:
6.1 wpa1.conf

7. Script to run wpa_supplicant
7.1 runwpa

II. Compile & Installation & uninstall
You can enter top-level directory of driver and execute follwing command to
Compile, Installation, or uninstall the driver:
0. Change to Super User
sudo su

1. Compile driver from the source code

2. Install the driver to the kernel
make install

3. uninstall driver
make uninstall

III. Start Up Wireless
You can use two methord to start up wireless:
<<Method 1>>
1. Install driver like II. and reboot OS
2. Wireless will brought up by GUI, such as NetworkManager
3. If Wireless is not brought up by GUI, you can use:
ifconfig wlan0 up
Note: some times when you have two wireless NICs on your computer,
interface "wlan0" may be changed to "wlan1" or "wlan2", etc.
So before "ifconfig wlan0 up", you can use "iwconfig" to check
which interface our NIC is.

<<Method 2>>
Not install driver But Only load the driver module to kernel and
start up nic.
1. Compile the drivers from the source code

2. Copy firmware to /lib/firmware/ or /lib/firmware/(KERNEL_VERSION)/
cp -rf firmware/RTL8192SE /lib/firmware or
cp -rf firmware/RTL8192SE /lib/firmware/(KERNEL_VERSION)
Note: This depends on whether (KERNEL_VERSION) subdirectory exists
under /lib/firmware

3. Load driver module to kernel.
Note: when "insmod: error inserting 'xxxx.ko': -1 File exists" comes
out after run ./wlan0up, please run ./wlan0down first, then it
should Be ok..
Note: If you see the message of "unkown symbol" during ./wlan0up, it
is suggested to start up nic use <<Method 1>>.

4. start up nic
ifconfig wlan0 up

IV. Set wireless lan MIBs
This driver uses Wireless Extension as an interface allowing you to set
Wireless LAN specific parameters.

Current driver supports "iwlist" to show the device status of nic
iwlist wlan0 [parameters]
parameter explaination [parameters]
----------------------- -------------
Show available chan and freq freq / channel
Show and Scan BSS and IBSS scan[ning]
Show supported bit-rate rate / bit[rate]

For example:
iwlist wlan0 channel
iwlist wlan0 scan
iwlist wlan0 rate

Driver also supports "iwconfig", manipulate driver private ioctls, to set MIBs.

iwconfig wlan0 [parameters] [val]
parameter explaination [parameters] [val] constraints
----------------------- ------------- ------------------
Connect to AP by address ap [mac_addr]
Set the essid, join (I)BSS essid [essid]
Set operation mode mode {Managed|Ad-hoc}
Set keys and security mode key/enc[ryption] {N|open|restricted|off}

For example:
iwconfig wlan0 ap XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
iwconfig wlan0 essid "ap_name"
iwconfig wlan0 mode Ad-hoc
iwconfig wlan0 essid "name" mode Ad-hoc
iwconfig wlan0 key 0123456789 [2] open
iwconfig wlan0 key off
iwconfig wlan0 key restricted [3] 0123456789
iwconfig wlan0 key s:12345

Note: There are two types of key, "hex" code or "ascii" code. "hex" code
only contains hexadecimal characters, "ascii" code is consist of
"ascii" characters. Assume the "hex" code key is "0123456789", you
are suggested to use command like this "iwconfig wlan0 key 0123456789".
Assume the "ascii" code key is "12345", you should enter command
like this "iwconfig wlan0 key s:12345".

Note: Better to set these MIBS without GUI such as NetworkManager and be
sure that our nic has been brought up before these settings. WEP key
index 2-4 is not supportted by NetworkManager.

V. Getting IP address
After start up the nic, the network needs to obtain an IP address before
transmit/receive data.

This can be done by setting the static IP via "ifconfig wlan0 IP_ADDRESS"
command, or using DHCP.

If using DHCP, setting steps is as below:

1. connect to an AP via "iwconfig" settings
iwconfig wlan0 essid [name] or
iwconfig wlan0 ap XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

2. run the script which run the dhclient
./wlan0dhcp or
dhcpcd wlan0
Note: Some network admins require that you use the hostname and
domainname provided by the DHCP server. In that case, use
dhcpcd -HD wlan0.

Wpa_supplicant helps to secure wireless connection with the protection of
WPAPSK/WPA2PSK mechanism.

If the version of Wireless Extension in your system is equal or larger than 18,
WEXT driver interface is recommended. Otherwise, IPW driver interface is advised.
Note: Wireless Extension is defined use "#define WIRELESS_EXT" in Kernel
Note: To check the version of wireless extension, please type "iwconfig -v"

If IPW driver interface is used, it is suggested to follow the steps from 1 to 6.
If wpa_supplicant has been installed in your system, only steps 5 and 6 are
required to be executed for WEXT driver interface.

To see detailed description for driver interface and wpa_supplicant, please type
"man wpa_supplicant".

1. load latetest source code for wpa supplicant or use wpa_supplicant-0.6.9
attached in this package.
Note: It is suggested to use default package contained in the
distribution because there should less compilation issue.

Unpack source code of WPA supplicant:
tar -zxvf wpa_supplicant-0.6.9.tar.gz (e.g.)
cd wpa_supplicant-0.6.9

2. Create .config file:
cp defconfig .config

3. Edit .config file, uncomment the following line if ipw driver interface
will be applied:

4. Build and install WPA supplicant:
cp wpa_cli wpa_supplicant /usr/local/bin
1) If make error for lack of <include/md5.h>, install the openssl
lib(two ways):

1> Install the openssl lib from corresponding installation disc:
Fedora Core 2/3/4/5(openssl-0.9.71x-xx),
Debian 3.1(libssl-dev), Suse 9.3/10.0/10.1(openssl_devl),
Gentoo(dev-libs/openssl), etc.
2> Download the openssl open source package from,
build and install it.
2) If make errors happen in RedHat(and also Fedora Core) for kssl.h,
please add lines below into Makefile


5. Edit wpa_supplicant.conf to set up SSID and its passphrase.
For example, the following setting in "wpa1.conf" means SSID
to join is "BufAG54_Ch6" and its passphrase is "87654321".

Example 1: Configuration for WPA-PWK
#scan_ssid=1 //see note 3
pairwise=CCMP TKIP
group=CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP40

Example 2: Configuration for LEAP
group=WEP40 WEP104

Example 3: Linking to hidden ssid given AP's security policy exactly.
(see note 3 below)

Example 4: Linking to ad-hoc (see note 4 below)

1) proto=WPA for WPA, proto=RSN for WPA2.
2) If user needs to connect an AP with WPA or WPA2 mixed mode,
it is suggested to set the cipher of pairwise and group to
both CCMP and TKIP unless you know exactly which cipher type
AP is configured.
3) When connecting to hidden ssid, explicit security policy
should be given with ap_scan=2 being setted.
4) It is suggested setting ap_scan to 2 and mode to 1 when
linking to or creating an ad-hoc. Group and pairwise
cipher type should also be set explicitly, always with group
setting to TKIP or CCMP and pairwise setting to NONE.
Lower version wpa_supplicant may not allow setting group to
CCMP with pairwise setting to NONE. So if any problem, you may
try to set both group and pairwise to CCMP, leaving other
setting unchanged, when connecting to an CCMP-encrypted ad-hoc.
5) As for more config setting option, please refer to wpa_supplicant.conf
in wpa_supplicant.tar.gz that we provide.

6. Execute WPA supplicant (Assume module of rtl8192se has been loaded):

The script runwpa will check Wireless Extension version automatically.
If the version of Wireless Extension is equal or greater than 18, the
option of "-D wext" will be selected, otherwise, the option of "-D ipw"

saida comando make

[root@daniel rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0015.0127.2010]# make
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/kernels/4.11.12-200.fc25.x86_64'
gcc: error: /lib/modules/4.11.12-200.fc25.x86_64/build/include/linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory
gcc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
scripts/ *** CFLAGS was changed in "/home/danil/rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0015.0127.2010/HAL/rtl8192/Makefile". Fix it to use ccflags-y. Pare.
Makefile:1496: recipe for target '_module_/home/danil/rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0015.0127.2010/HAL/rtl8192' failed
make[1]: *** [_module_/home/danil/rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0015.0127.2010/HAL/rtl8192] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/kernels/4.11.12-200.fc25.x86_64'
Makefile:19: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
[root@daniel rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0015.0127.2010]#

7. Re: compilar [RESOLVIDO]

Luís Fernando C. Cavalheiro

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 23/08/2017 - 18:54h

Por total desencargo de consciência, pois minha placa wireless é a mesma que a sua e eu não tive problemas com ela nem no Slackware, nem no openSUSE, por que você precisa compilar o módulo dela?

Vi veri universum vivus vici
Public GPG signature: 0x246A590B
Só Slackware é GNU/Linux e Patrick Volkerding é o seu Profeta
Mensagem do dia: Satã representa conhecimento sem limites e não auto-ilusão hipócrita. 

8. compilar

daniel gaudencio costa

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 23/08/2017 - 19:28h

ola boa noite vc disse uma grande verdade nao presia compilar agora que perceb, mas como eu mencionei sou novato e estou perdido com os comando o que fasso agora ja que estou nessa tela de saida no terminal.

[root@daniel rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0015.0127.2010]# ls
firmware readme.txt wlan0dhcp
HAL release_note wlan0down
ifcfg-wlan0 rtllib wlan0up
Makefile runwpa wpa1.conf wpa_supplicant-0.6.9.tar.gz
[root@daniel rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0015.0127.2010]#

9. Re: compilar

Alberto Federman Neto.

(usa openSUSE)

Enviado em 23/08/2017 - 19:54h

isso é driver realtek, geralmente não precisa isso, pode usar o driver do fedora mesmo.

não tem no gerenciador de pacotes?

e ainda esse que achou é para kernel 2.6 e é antigo, de 2010.

se realmente precisar, acho que encontra precompilado aqui:
Ribeirão Preto, S.P., Brasil.
Usuário Linux, Linux Counter: #479903.
Distros Favoritas: Sabayon, Gentoo, openSUSE, Mageia e OpenMandriva.

10. compilar

daniel gaudencio costa

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 23/08/2017 - 21:51h

amigo obrigado ai por tudo. sobre eu achar o driver no gerenciador eu nao achei .

11. compilar driver rtl8191se

daniel gaudencio costa

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 17/09/2017 - 19:10h

pessoal minha wi fi esta func nao presisava nada de complilar driver o que aconte: eu nao sei explicar o porque mas derrepente eu lembrei que havia duas placas conectada a maquina ,uma pci e a outra usb card dai eu resolvi tirar a placa usb card agora minha placa esta func normal e a tplink usb tambem agradeço a todos que me ajudaram.


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