Montar o HD

1. Montar o HD

Thalys de Aguiar Gomes

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 20/11/2007 - 19:18h

instalei aqui na minha maquina o ubuntu e estava tudo muito bem só que agora o meu HD que estava como escrava começou a dar problama eu entro nele "sdb1" mais depois se eu tenter entrar em qualquer outra pasta dele a janela fecha sozinha... e aparece na pasta do usuário com o seguinte arquivo de log....

0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:31.1412 (GLog): file nautilus-navigation-window.c: line 834 (activate_nth_short_list_item): assertion failed: (index < g_list_length (window->details->short_list_viewers))
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:31.1413 (USER): debug log dumped due to signal 6
===== END MILESTONES =====
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:11.6060 (USER): window 0x820a820 open location: old="(none)", new="x-nautilus-desktop:"
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:11.7287 (USER): create new navigation window=0x81ed950
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:11.7287 (USER): window 0x81ed950 open location: old="(none)", new="file:///home/thalys"
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:12.3831 (USER): change view of window 0x81ed950: "file:///home/thalys" to "OAFIID:Nautilus_File_Manager_Icon_View"
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:12.7196 (USER): finished loading window 0x81ed950: file:///home/thalys
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:12.8656 (USER): finished loading window 0x820a820: x-nautilus-desktop:
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:24.5211 (USER): create new navigation window=0x81edc20
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:24.5211 (USER): window 0x81edc20 open location: old="(none)", new="file:///media/sdb1"
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:24.8612 (USER): change view of window 0x81edc20: "file:///media/sdb1" to "OAFIID:Nautilus_File_Manager_Icon_View"
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:25.0888 (USER): finished loading window 0x81edc20: file:///media/sdb1
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:30.8119 (USER): selection changed in window 0x81edc20
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:31.0010 (USER): fm_directory_view_activate_files window=0x81edc20
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:31.0014 (USER): directory view open_location window=0x81edc20: file:///media/sdb1/Minhas%20m%C3%BAsicas
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:31.0014 (USER): window 0x81edc20 open location: old="file:///media/sdb1", new="file:///media/sdb1/Minhas%20m%C3%BAsicas"
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:31.0014 (USER): finished loading window 0x81edc20: file:///media/sdb1
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:31.1412 (GLog): file nautilus-navigation-window.c: line 834 (activate_nth_short_list_item): assertion failed: (index < g_list_length (window->details->short_list_viewers))
0x81868d8 2007/11/20 19:14:31.1413 (USER): debug log dumped due to signal 6
===== END RING BUFFER =====

This configuration for the debug log can be re-created
by putting the following in ~/nautilus-debug-log.conf
(use ';' to separate domain names):

[debug log]
max lines=1000


2. Re: Montar o HD

Paulo Antunes

(usa Arch Linux)

Enviado em 20/11/2007 - 19:38h

Ele é NTFS ou EXT?

Tentou o FSCK para verificar o HD?

O cabo IDE, SATA Tá bem apertado e sem quebras?


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