Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa

13. Re: Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa

Phillip Vieira

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 31/01/2012 - 14:30h

Vou fazer umas correções leia os comentários:

/sbin/modprobe ip_tables
/sbin/modprobe iptable_filter
/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack
/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp
/sbin/modprobe nf_conntrack_ipv4
/sbin/modprobe ip_nat_ftp
/sbin/modprobe ipt_MASQUERADE
/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle
/sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
/sbin/modprobe nf_nat
/sbin/modprobe nf_conntrack
/sbin/modprobe x_tables
# A linha acima é conhecida como shebang e serve para chamar o interpretador do script
# poderia-se trocar o bash pelo sh ou outro shell de sua preferência

# exemplo de script de firewall
# Data de Criação: 30/01/2012

# Declarando as Variáveis #

# Interface Wan

# Interface Lan

# Ip da Rede Interna

# Portas Liberadas TCP

# Portas Liberadas UDP

# Portas Liberadas para a Rede Interna

# Esta função limpa as regras criadas anteriormente, e insere as regras listadas na função

function start () {


# Limpa as regras da tabela filter
iptables -F

# Limpa as regras da tabela nat
iptables -t nat -F

# Define as politicas padrões do IPTABLES como DROP
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP

# Habilita o roteamento no KERNEL
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# Cria a ida e volta do acesso nas chains INPUT, OUTPUT e FORWARD, assim não precisamos criar a ida e volta nas regras
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# Regras de NAT
# Compartilha a INTERNET

# Redireciona o acesso RDP para outro seervidor dentro da REDE INTERNA
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 3389 -j REDIRECT --to

# Regras de INPUT

# Libera o acesso SSH de qualquer origem
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 60022 -j ACCEPT

# Libera o squid a partir da REDE INTERNA
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT

# Aceita ping apenas da REDE INTERNA
iptables -A INPUT -s $REDE_INTERNA -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT

# Regras de OUTPUT

# Libera as portas constantes em na variável $PORTAS_REDE_INTERNA (para liberar mais portas, basta inserir as mesmas na variável citada)
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports $PORTAS_TCP -j ACCEPT

# Liberar ping para qualquer lugar
iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT

# Regras FORWARD

#Libera as portas constantes em na variável $PORTAS_REDE_INTERNA (para liberas mais portas, basta inserir as mesma na variável citada)
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m multiport --dports $PORTAS_REDE_INTERNA -j ACCEPT

# Libera RDP citado na regra de NAT
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 3389 -d -j ACCEPT


# Esta função limpa todas as regras, deixa as políticas padrões com ACCEPT e deixa todo e qualquer acesso liberaso

function stop () {

# Limpa as regras existentes
iptables -F
iptables -t nat -F

# Define as politicas padrões do IPTABLES como ACCEPT
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

# Habilita o roteamento no KERNEL
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# Compartilha a internet

# Caso queira manter as regras de NAT favor copiar as regras de nat
# e as correspondentes as mesma de FORWARD aqui


# Criando os parametros para o script, esses parametros serão start, stop e restart

# Qualquer parametro que não seja start, stop ou restart não será válido e nada será alterado

case $1 in




echo "Insira um parâmetro para /etc/init.d/firewall... start | stop | restart"
exit 0



14. Re: Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 31/01/2012 - 15:34h

Bom, até o presente momento meu script está igual ao do seu tutorial.
Li todos os comentários e no último, vc disse q já mandou todas a correções para o moderador.
isso indica que o post principal já está corrigido. De qualquer forma, irei esperar.
E mais uma vez, muito obrigado pela ajuda, boa vontade e paciência.

15. Re: Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa

Phillip Vieira

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 31/01/2012 - 16:08h

Não, quando eu disse os comentários, quis dizer do script que mandei no meu último post para vc kkkkkkkkkkkkk

Não os comentários do artigo :-)

Leia os comentários q eu fiz dentro do scrip no último post ok? tem algumas correções lá

16. Re: Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 31/01/2012 - 16:30h

ok, fiz as correções e o número de mensagens diminuiu, ficando somente esta:

iptables v1.4.12: REDIRECT: Bad values for "--to-ports" option: ""
Try 'iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more infomation

Lembrando que o ip do meu servidor q roda mandriva é
Não sei se fiz certo ao redirecionar o RDp para ele mesmo

17. Re: Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa

Phillip Vieira

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 31/01/2012 - 17:40h

Não não, no caso esse redirecionamento é Web>Firewall>Servidor_RDP

Como vc quer apenas acessar REDE_INTERNA > FIREWALL > WEB > SERVIDOR_RDP, pode deixar só as regras de forward mesmo:

iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 3389 -j ACCEPT

E comente a regra de nat para 3389

18. Re: Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 03/02/2012 - 14:08h

Boa tarde amigo phrich.

bom, ainda estou com probles, quando inicio o script, a minha rede fica sem internet.

segue o script:

/sbin/modprobe ip_tables
/sbin/modprobe iptable_filter
/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack
/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp
/sbin/modprobe nf_conntrack_ipv4
/sbin/modprobe ip_nat_ftp
/sbin/modprobe ipt_MASQUERADE
/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle
/sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
/sbin/modprobe nf_nat
/sbin/modprobe nf_conntrack
/sbin/modprobe x_tables
# A linha acima é conhecida como shebang e serve para chamar o interpretador do script
# poderia-se trocar o bash pelo sh ou outro shell de sua preferência

# exemplo de script de firewall
# Data de Criação: 30/01/2012
# Copiado por Alexandre Andrade

# Declarando as Variáveis #

# Interface Wan

# Interface Lan

# Ip da Rede Interna

# Portas Liberadas TCP

# Portas Liberadas UDP

# Portas Liberadas para a Rede Interna

# Esta função limpa as regras criadas anteriormente, e insere as regras listadas na função

function start () {


# Limpa as regras da tabela filter
iptables -F

# Limpa as regras da tabela nat
iptables -t nat -F

# Define as politicas padrões do IPTABLES como DROP
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP

# Habilita o roteamento no KERNEL
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# Cria a ida e volta do acesso nas chains INPUT, OUTPUT e FORWARD, assim não precisamos criar a ida e volta nas regras
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# Regras de NAT
# Compartilha a INTERNET

# Redireciona o acesso RDP para outro seervidor dentro da REDE INTERNA
#iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 3389 -j REDIRECT --to

# Regras de INPUT

# Libera o acesso SSH de qualquer origem
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 60022 -j ACCEPT

# Libera o squid a partir da REDE INTERNA
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT

# Aceita ping apenas da REDE INTERNA
iptables -A INPUT -s $REDE_INTERNA -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT

# Regras de OUTPUT

# Libera as portas constantes em na variável $PORTAS_REDE_INTERNA (para liberar mais portas, basta inserir as mesmas na variável citada)
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports $PORTAS_TCP -j ACCEPT

# Liberar ping para qualquer lugar
iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT

# Regras FORWARD

#Libera as portas constantes em na variável $PORTAS_REDE_INTERNA (para liberas mais portas, basta inserir as mesma na variável citada)
#iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m multiport --dports $PORTAS_REDE_INTERNA -j ACCEPT

iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 3389 -j ACCEPT

# Libera RDP citado na regra de NAT
#iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 3389 -d -j ACCEPT


# Esta função limpa todas as regras, deixa as políticas padrões com ACCEPT e deixa todo e qualquer acesso liberaso

function stop () {

# Limpa as regras existentes
iptables -F
iptables -t nat -F

# Define as politicas padrões do IPTABLES como ACCEPT
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

# Habilita o roteamento no KERNEL
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# Compartilha a internet

# Caso queira manter as regras de NAT favor copiar as regras de nat
# e as correspondentes as mesma de FORWARD aqui


# Criando os parametros para o script, esses parametros serão start, stop e restart

# Qualquer parametro que não seja start, stop ou restart não será válido e nada será alterado

case $1 in




echo "Insira um parâmetro para /etc/init.d/firewall... start | stop | restart"
exit 0


19. Re: Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa

Phillip Vieira

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 03/02/2012 - 19:19h

Mesmo usando a função stop?

20. Re: Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 06/02/2012 - 18:27h

Não... quando eu dou STOP, ela volta.
Mas aparece uma mensagem:

iptables: Bad policy name. Run 'dmesg' for more information.

Bom, tentei rodar o 'dmesg' e apareceu muita informação q não consigo entender.
Mas de qualquer forma, ainda continuo sem acessar o servidor RDP.

21. Re: Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa

Phillip Vieira

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 06/02/2012 - 22:43h

faça o seguinte:

#dmesg > saida.txt

Assim fica mais fácil de vc copiar e colar aqui a saída do dmesg

Coloque as regras do RDP na função stop e rode a função novamente e realize testes, mas não esqueça de postar aqui a saída do dmesg ok?

22. Re: Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 07/02/2012 - 12:45h

[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[ 0.000000] Linux version ( (gcc version 4.6.1 20110627 (Mandriva) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Fri Nov 4 09:55:28 UTC 2011
[ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE= root=UUID=d065cb4c-287f-4691-a561-24f1dbceed3b nokmsboot logo.nologo quiet resume=UUID=a6135b8d-231a-4b0c-bd70-90e593a98242 splash=silent vga=788
[ 0.000000] BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 0000000000093800 (usable)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 0000000000093800 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 00000000000e2000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 00000000df830000 (usable)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 00000000dff9e000 - 00000000dffa0000 type 9
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 00000000dffa0000 - 00000000dffae000 (ACPI data)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 00000000dffae000 - 00000000dffe0000 (ACPI NVS)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 00000000dffe0000 - 00000000f0000000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 00000000ffa00000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 0000000100000000 - 0000000120000000 (usable)
[ 0.000000] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
[ 0.000000] DMI present.
[ 0.000000] DMI: HP ProLiant Micro Server, BIOS O41 07/28/2010
[ 0.000000] e820 update range: 0000000000000000 - 0000000000010000 (usable) ==> (reserved)
[ 0.000000] e820 remove range: 00000000000a0000 - 0000000000100000 (usable)
[ 0.000000] No AGP bridge found
[ 0.000000] last_pfn = 0x120000 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
[ 0.000000] MTRR default type: uncachable
[ 0.000000] MTRR fixed ranges enabled:
[ 0.000000] 00000-9FFFF write-back
[ 0.000000] A0000-EFFFF uncachable
[ 0.000000] F0000-FFFFF write-protect
[ 0.000000] MTRR variable ranges enabled:
[ 0.000000] 0 base 000000000000 mask FFFF80000000 write-back
[ 0.000000] 1 base 000080000000 mask FFFFC0000000 write-back
[ 0.000000] 2 base 0000C0000000 mask FFFFE0000000 write-back
[ 0.000000] 3 disabled
[ 0.000000] 4 disabled
[ 0.000000] 5 disabled
[ 0.000000] 6 disabled
[ 0.000000] 7 disabled
[ 0.000000] TOM2: 0000000120000000 aka 4608M
[ 0.000000] x86 PAT enabled: cpu 0, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106
[ 0.000000] e820 update range: 00000000e0000000 - 0000000100000000 (usable) ==> (reserved)
[ 0.000000] last_pfn = 0xdf830 max_arch_pfn = 0x400000000
[ 0.000000] found SMP MP-table at [ffff8800000ff780] ff780
[ 0.000000] initial memory mapped : 0 - 20000000
[ 0.000000] Base memory trampoline at [ffff88000008e000] 8e000 size 20480
[ 0.000000] Using GB pages for direct mapping
[ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: 0000000000000000-00000000df830000
[ 0.000000] 0000000000 - 00c0000000 page 1G
[ 0.000000] 00c0000000 - 00df800000 page 2M
[ 0.000000] 00df800000 - 00df830000 page 4k
[ 0.000000] kernel direct mapping tables up to df830000 @ df82d000-df830000
[ 0.000000] init_memory_mapping: 0000000100000000-0000000120000000
[ 0.000000] 0100000000 - 0120000000 page 2M
[ 0.000000] kernel direct mapping tables up to 120000000 @ 11fffe000-120000000
[ 0.000000] RAMDISK: 361a7000 - 37ff0000
[ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 00000000000f8f50 00024 (v02 HP )
[ 0.000000] ACPI: XSDT 00000000dffa0100 0007C (v01 HP ProLiant 20100728 HP 00000097)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 00000000dffa0290 000F4 (v03 HP ProLiant 20100728 HP 00000097)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 00000000dffa0620 06947 (v01 HP ProLiant 00000006 INTL 20051117)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 00000000dffae000 00040
[ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 00000000dffa0390 00072 (v01 HP ProLiant 20100728 HP 00000097)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: MCFG 00000000dffa0410 0003C (v01 HP ProLiant 20100728 HP 00000097)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: SPMI 00000000dffa0450 00041 (v05 HP ProLiant 20100728 HP 00000097)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: OEMB 00000000dffae040 00072 (v01 HP ProLiant 20100728 HP 00000097)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: HPET 00000000dffab4e0 00038 (v01 HP ProLiant 20100728 HP 00000097)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: EINJ 00000000dffab520 00130 (v01 AMIER AMI_EINJ 20100728 HP 00000097)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: BERT 00000000dffab6b0 00030 (v01 AMIER AMI_BERT 20100728 HP 00000097)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: ERST 00000000dffab6e0 001B0 (v01 AMIER AMI_ERST 20100728 HP 00000097)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: HEST 00000000dffab890 000A8 (v01 AMIER ABC_HEST 20100728 HP 00000097)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 00000000dffab940 00386 (v01 HP ProLiant 00000001 AMD 00000001)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
[ 0.000000] Scanning NUMA topology in Northbridge 24
[ 0.000000] No NUMA configuration found
[ 0.000000] Faking a node at 0000000000000000-0000000120000000
[ 0.000000] NUMA: Using 63 for the hash shift.
[ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 0000000000000000-0000000120000000
[ 0.000000] NODE_DATA [000000011fff9000 - 000000011fffdfff]
[ 0.000000] [ffffea0000000000-ffffea0003ffffff] PMD -> [ffff88011b600000-ffff88011effffff] on node 0
[ 0.000000] Zone PFN ranges:
[ 0.000000] DMA 0x00000010 -> 0x00001000
[ 0.000000] DMA32 0x00001000 -> 0x00100000
[ 0.000000] Normal 0x00100000 -> 0x00120000
[ 0.000000] Movable zone start PFN for each node
[ 0.000000] early_node_map[3] active PFN ranges
[ 0.000000] 0: 0x00000010 -> 0x00000093
[ 0.000000] 0: 0x00000100 -> 0x000df830
[ 0.000000] 0: 0x00100000 -> 0x00120000
[ 0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 1046451
[ 0.000000] DMA zone: 56 pages used for memmap
[ 0.000000] DMA zone: 5 pages reserved
[ 0.000000] DMA zone: 3910 pages, LIFO batch:0
[ 0.000000] DMA32 zone: 14280 pages used for memmap
[ 0.000000] DMA32 zone: 897128 pages, LIFO batch:31
[ 0.000000] Normal zone: 1792 pages used for memmap
[ 0.000000] Normal zone: 129280 pages, LIFO batch:31
[ 0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x808
[ 0.000000] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
[ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x82] disabled)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x04] lapic_id[0x83] disabled)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0xff] dfl dfl lint[0x1])
[ 0.000000] ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x02] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0])
[ 0.000000] IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 2, version 33, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23
[ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 low level)
[ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ0 used by override.
[ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ2 used by override.
[ 0.000000] ACPI: IRQ9 used by override.
[ 0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
[ 0.000000] ACPI: HPET id: 0x8300 base: 0xfed00000
[ 0.000000] SMP: Allowing 4 CPUs, 2 hotplug CPUs
[ 0.000000] nr_irqs_gsi: 40
[ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 0000000000093000 - 0000000000094000
[ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 0000000000094000 - 00000000000a0000
[ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000a0000 - 00000000000e2000
[ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000e2000 - 0000000000100000
[ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000df830000 - 00000000dff9e000
[ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000dff9e000 - 00000000dffa0000
[ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000dffa0000 - 00000000dffae000
[ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000dffae000 - 00000000dffe0000
[ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000dffe0000 - 00000000f0000000
[ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000f0000000 - 00000000ffa00000
[ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000ffa00000 - 0000000100000000
[ 0.000000] Allocating PCI resources starting at f0000000 (gap: f0000000:fa00000)
[ 0.000000] Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware
[ 0.000000] setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:64 nr_cpumask_bits:64 nr_cpu_ids:4 nr_node_ids:1
[ 0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 28 pages/cpu @ffff88011fc00000 s83776 r8192 d22720 u524288
[ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s83776 r8192 d22720 u524288 alloc=1*2097152
[ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 1 2 3
[ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Node order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 1030318
[ 0.000000] Policy zone: Normal
[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE= root=UUID=d065cb4c-287f-4691-a561-24f1dbceed3b nokmsboot logo.nologo quiet resume=UUID=a6135b8d-231a-4b0c-bd70-90e593a98242 splash=silent vga=788
[ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[ 0.000000] Checking aperture...
[ 0.000000] No AGP bridge found
[ 0.000000] Node 0: aperture @ c18000000 size 32 MB
[ 0.000000] Aperture beyond 4GB. Ignoring.
[ 0.000000] Your BIOS doesn't leave a aperture memory hole
[ 0.000000] Please enable the IOMMU option in the BIOS setup
[ 0.000000] This costs you 64 MB of RAM
[ 0.000000] Mapping aperture over 65536 KB of RAM @ c0000000
[ 0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000c0000000 - 00000000c4000000
[ 0.000000] Memory: 3952500k/4718592k available (4271k kernel code, 532788k absent, 233304k reserved, 4576k data, 772k init)
[ 0.000000] SLUB: Genslabs=15, HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1
[ 0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation.
[ 0.000000] RCU dyntick-idle grace-period acceleration is enabled.
[ 0.000000] RCU-based detection of stalled CPUs is disabled.
[ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:4352 nr_irqs:712 16
[ 0.000000] Extended CMOS year: 2000
[ 0.000000] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
[ 0.000000] console [tty0] enabled
[ 0.000000] allocated 33554432 bytes of page_cgroup
[ 0.000000] please try 'cgroup_disable=memory' option if you don't want memory cgroups
[ 0.000000] hpet clockevent registered
[ 0.000000] Fast TSC calibration using PIT
[ 0.000000] Detected 1297.926 MHz processor.
[ 0.001005] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 2595.85 BogoMIPS (lpj=1297926)
[ 0.001013] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[ 0.001053] Security Framework initialized
[ 0.001068] TOMOYO Linux initialized
[ 0.002378] Dentry cache hash table entries: 524288 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes)
[ 0.004476] Inode-cache hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes)
[ 0.005390] Mount-cache hash table entries: 256
[ 0.005584] Initializing cgroup subsys ns
[ 0.005589] ns_cgroup deprecated: consider using the 'clone_children' flag without the ns_cgroup.
[ 0.005595] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[ 0.005603] Initializing cgroup subsys memory
[ 0.005616] Initializing cgroup subsys devices
[ 0.005619] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
[ 0.005623] Initializing cgroup subsys net_cls
[ 0.005627] Initializing cgroup subsys blkio
[ 0.005638] Initializing cgroup subsys perf_event
[ 0.005679] tseg: 0000000000
[ 0.005701] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
[ 0.005703] CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
[ 0.005707] mce: CPU supports 6 MCE banks
[ 0.005721] using C1E aware idle routine
[ 0.006926] ACPI: Checking initramfs for custom DSDT
[ 0.968219] ACPI: Core revision 20110316
[ 0.972875] ftrace: allocating 16942 entries in 67 pages
[ 0.973975] Setting APIC routing to flat
[ 0.974300] ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1
[ 0.984395] CPU0: AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo N36L Dual-Core Processor stepping 03
[ 0.984858] Performance Events: AMD PMU driver.
[ 0.984858] ... version: 0
[ 0.984858] ... bit width: 48
[ 0.984858] ... generic registers: 4
[ 0.984858] ... value mask: 0000ffffffffffff
[ 0.984858] ... max period: 00007fffffffffff
[ 0.984858] ... fixed-purpose events: 0
[ 0.984858] ... event mask: 000000000000000f
[ 0.984858] MCE: In-kernel MCE decoding enabled.
[ 0.984858] NMI watchdog enabled, takes one hw-pmu counter.
[ 0.984858] Booting Node 0, Processors #1
[ 0.984858] smpboot cpu 1: start_ip = 8e000
[ 1.055876] NMI watchdog enabled, takes one hw-pmu counter.
[ 1.055884] System has AMD C1E enabled
[ 1.055913] Brought up 2 CPUs
[ 1.055917] Total of 2 processors activated (5191.67 BogoMIPS).
[ 1.055913] Switch to broadcast mode on CPU1
[ 1.056541] Switch to broadcast mode on CPU0
[ 1.056541] devtmpfs: initialized
[ 1.059086] PM: Registering ACPI NVS region at dffae000 (204800 bytes)
[ 1.059506] Time: 20:15:01 Date: 02/06/12
[ 1.059577] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[ 1.059726] node 0 link 0: io port [1000, ffffff]
[ 1.059731] TOM: 00000000e0000000 aka 3584M
[ 1.059734] Fam 10h mmconf [e0000000, efffffff]
[ 1.059739] node 0 link 0: mmio [a0000, bffff]
[ 1.059743] node 0 link 0: mmio [e0000000, efffffff] ==> none
[ 1.059748] node 0 link 0: mmio [f0000000, ffdfffff]
[ 1.059751] TOM2: 0000000120000000 aka 4608M
[ 1.059755] bus: [00, 1f] on node 0 link 0
[ 1.059759] bus: 00 index 0 [io 0x0000-0xffff]
[ 1.059763] bus: 00 index 1 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
[ 1.059766] bus: 00 index 2 [mem 0xf0000000-0xffffffff]
[ 1.059769] bus: 00 index 3 [mem 0x120000000-0xfcffffffff]
[ 1.059781] Extended Config Space enabled on 1 nodes
[ 1.059876] ACPI: bus type pci registered
[ 1.059952] PCI: MMCONFIG for domain 0000 [bus 00-ff] at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] (base 0xe0000000)
[ 1.059957] PCI: MMCONFIG at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] reserved in E820
[ 1.104139] PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
[ 1.105899] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
[ 1.106438] ACPI: EC: Look up EC in DSDT
[ 1.106642] \_SB_:_OSC evaluation returned wrong type
[ 1.106645] _OSC request data:1 7
[ 1.107745] ACPI: Executed 2 blocks of module-level executable AML code
[ 1.110836] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored
[ 1.113948] ACPI: OEMN 00000000dffaaeb0 00624 (v01 AMD NAHP 00000001 INTL 20051117)
[ 1.114264] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
[ 1.114269] ACPI: OEMN (null) 00624 (v01 AMD NAHP 00000001 INTL 20051117)
[ 1.117225] ACPI: Interpreter enabled
[ 1.117232] ACPI: (supports S0 S4 S5)
[ 1.117259] ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing
[ 1.122725] ACPI: No dock devices found.
[ 1.122763] HEST: Table parsing has been initialized.
[ 1.122769] PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
[ 1.123687] ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff])
[ 1.124466] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [io 0x0000-0x0cf7]
[ 1.124471] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [io 0x0d00-0xffff]
[ 1.124475] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
[ 1.124480] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000d0000-0x000dffff]
[ 1.124484] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0xf0000000-0xfebfffff]
[ 1.124489] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0xf0000000-0xffffffff]
[ 1.124495] pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window expanded to [mem 0xf0000000-0xffffffff]; [mem 0xf0000000-0xffffffff] ignored
[ 1.124518] pci 0000:00:00.0: [1022:9601] type 0 class 0x000600
[ 1.124586] pci 0000:00:02.0: [1022:9603] type 1 class 0x000604
[ 1.124627] pci 0000:00:02.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[ 1.124633] pci 0000:00:02.0: PME# disabled
[ 1.124655] pci 0000:00:04.0: [1022:9604] type 1 class 0x000604
[ 1.124696] pci 0000:00:04.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[ 1.124700] pci 0000:00:04.0: PME# disabled
[ 1.124722] pci 0000:00:06.0: [1022:9606] type 1 class 0x000604
[ 1.124761] pci 0000:00:06.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[ 1.124766] pci 0000:00:06.0: PME# disabled
[ 1.124808] pci 0000:00:11.0: [1002:4392] type 0 class 0x000104
[ 1.124848] pci 0000:00:11.0: reg 10: [io 0xc000-0xc007]
[ 1.124861] pci 0000:00:11.0: reg 14: [io 0xb000-0xb003]
[ 1.124873] pci 0000:00:11.0: reg 18: [io 0xa000-0xa007]
[ 1.124886] pci 0000:00:11.0: reg 1c: [io 0x9000-0x9003]
[ 1.124898] pci 0000:00:11.0: reg 20: [io 0x8000-0x800f]
[ 1.124911] pci 0000:00:11.0: reg 24: [mem 0xfdeffc00-0xfdefffff]
[ 1.124977] pci 0000:00:12.0: [1002:4397] type 0 class 0x000c03
[ 1.124994] pci 0000:00:12.0: reg 10: [mem 0xfdefe000-0xfdefefff]
[ 1.125078] pci 0000:00:12.2: [1002:4396] type 0 class 0x000c03
[ 1.125102] pci 0000:00:12.2: reg 10: [mem 0xfdeff800-0xfdeff8ff]
[ 1.125181] pci 0000:00:12.2: supports D1 D2
[ 1.125185] pci 0000:00:12.2: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot
[ 1.125191] pci 0000:00:12.2: PME# disabled
[ 1.125216] pci 0000:00:13.0: [1002:4397] type 0 class 0x000c03
[ 1.125233] pci 0000:00:13.0: reg 10: [mem 0xfdefd000-0xfdefdfff]
[ 1.125314] pci 0000:00:13.2: [1002:4396] type 0 class 0x000c03
[ 1.125337] pci 0000:00:13.2: reg 10: [mem 0xfdeff400-0xfdeff4ff]
[ 1.125416] pci 0000:00:13.2: supports D1 D2
[ 1.125419] pci 0000:00:13.2: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot
[ 1.125425] pci 0000:00:13.2: PME# disabled
[ 1.125451] pci 0000:00:14.0: [1002:4385] type 0 class 0x000c05
[ 1.125534] pci 0000:00:14.1: [1002:439c] type 0 class 0x000101
[ 1.125551] pci 0000:00:14.1: reg 10: [io 0x0000-0x0007]
[ 1.125564] pci 0000:00:14.1: reg 14: [io 0x0000-0x0003]
[ 1.125576] pci 0000:00:14.1: reg 18: [io 0x0000-0x0007]
[ 1.125589] pci 0000:00:14.1: reg 1c: [io 0x0000-0x0003]
[ 1.125601] pci 0000:00:14.1: reg 20: [io 0xff00-0xff0f]
[ 1.125642] pci 0000:00:14.3: [1002:439d] type 0 class 0x000601
[ 1.125727] pci 0000:00:14.4: [1002:4384] type 1 class 0x000604
[ 1.125780] pci 0000:00:16.0: [1002:4397] type 0 class 0x000c03
[ 1.125797] pci 0000:00:16.0: reg 10: [mem 0xfdefc000-0xfdefcfff]
[ 1.125892] pci 0000:00:16.2: [1002:4396] type 0 class 0x000c03
[ 1.125916] pci 0000:00:16.2: reg 10: [mem 0xfdeff000-0xfdeff0ff]
[ 1.125995] pci 0000:00:16.2: supports D1 D2
[ 1.125998] pci 0000:00:16.2: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot
[ 1.126004] pci 0000:00:16.2: PME# disabled
[ 1.126029] pci 0000:00:18.0: [1022:1200] type 0 class 0x000600
[ 1.126054] pci 0000:00:18.1: [1022:1201] type 0 class 0x000600
[ 1.126075] pci 0000:00:18.2: [1022:1202] type 0 class 0x000600
[ 1.126097] pci 0000:00:18.3: [1022:1203] type 0 class 0x000600
[ 1.126121] pci 0000:00:18.4: [1022:1204] type 0 class 0x000600
[ 1.126207] pci 0000:01:00.0: [8086:10d3] type 0 class 0x000200
[ 1.126232] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0xfdfe0000-0xfdffffff]
[ 1.126251] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 14: [mem 0xfdf00000-0xfdf7ffff]
[ 1.126269] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 18: [io 0xd800-0xd81f]
[ 1.126287] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 1c: [mem 0xfdfdc000-0xfdfdffff]
[ 1.126335] pci 0000:01:00.0: reg 30: [mem 0xfdf80000-0xfdfbffff pref]
[ 1.126387] pci 0000:01:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
[ 1.126395] pci 0000:01:00.0: PME# disabled
[ 1.128893] pci 0000:00:02.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-01]
[ 1.128902] pci 0000:00:02.0: bridge window [io 0xd000-0xdfff]
[ 1.128908] pci 0000:00:02.0: bridge window [mem 0xfdf00000-0xfdffffff]
[ 1.128915] pci 0000:00:02.0: bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff pref] (disabled)
[ 1.128979] pci 0000:02:00.0: [1a03:1150] type 1 class 0x000604
[ 1.129074] pci 0000:02:00.0: supports D1 D2
[ 1.129078] pci 0000:02:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold
[ 1.129084] pci 0000:02:00.0: PME# disabled
[ 1.131882] pci 0000:00:04.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-03]
[ 1.131892] pci 0000:00:04.0: bridge window [io 0xe000-0xefff]
[ 1.131897] pci 0000:00:04.0: bridge window [mem 0xfe000000-0xfe8fffff]
[ 1.131903] pci 0000:00:04.0: bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff pref] (disabled)
[ 1.132000] pci 0000:03:00.0: [1a03:2000] type 0 class 0x000300
[ 1.132027] pci 0000:03:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0xfe000000-0xfe7fffff]
[ 1.132042] pci 0000:03:00.0: reg 14: [mem 0xfe8e0000-0xfe8fffff]
[ 1.132056] pci 0000:03:00.0: reg 18: [io 0xe800-0xe87f]
[ 1.132103] pci 0000:03:00.0: reg 30: [mem 0xfe8d0000-0xfe8dffff pref]
[ 1.132133] pci 0000:03:00.0: supports D1 D2
[ 1.132136] pci 0000:03:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold
[ 1.132144] pci 0000:03:00.0: PME# disabled
[ 1.132205] pci 0000:02:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 03-03]
[ 1.132214] pci 0000:02:00.0: bridge window [io 0xe000-0xefff]
[ 1.132220] pci 0000:02:00.0: bridge window [mem 0xfe000000-0xfe8fffff]
[ 1.132229] pci 0000:02:00.0: bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff pref] (disabled)
[ 1.132903] pci 0000:04:00.0: [14e4:165b] type 0 class 0x000200
[ 1.132927] pci 0000:04:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0xfe9f0000-0xfe9fffff 64bit]
[ 1.133017] pci 0000:04:00.0: PME# supported from D3hot D3cold
[ 1.133023] pci 0000:04:00.0: PME# disabled
[ 1.135890] pci 0000:00:06.0: PCI bridge to [bus 04-04]
[ 1.135898] pci 0000:00:06.0: bridge window [io 0xf000-0x0000] (disabled)
[ 1.135904] pci 0000:00:06.0: bridge window [mem 0xfe900000-0xfe9fffff]
[ 1.135911] pci 0000:00:06.0: bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff pref] (disabled)
[ 1.135988] pci 0000:00:14.4: PCI bridge to [bus 05-05] (subtractive decode)
[ 1.135994] pci 0000:00:14.4: bridge window [io 0xf000-0x0000] (disabled)
[ 1.136000] pci 0000:00:14.4: bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff] (disabled)
[ 1.136007] pci 0000:00:14.4: bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff pref] (disabled)
[ 1.136012] pci 0000:00:14.4: bridge window [io 0x0000-0x0cf7] (subtractive decode)
[ 1.136016] pci 0000:00:14.4: bridge window [io 0x0d00-0xffff] (subtractive decode)
[ 1.136020] pci 0000:00:14.4: bridge window [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff] (subtractive decode)
[ 1.136024] pci 0000:00:14.4: bridge window [mem 0x000d0000-0x000dffff] (subtractive decode)
[ 1.136028] pci 0000:00:14.4: bridge window [mem 0xf0000000-0xffffffff] (subtractive decode)
[ 1.136054] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0._PRT]
[ 1.136364] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCE2._PRT]
[ 1.136422] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCE4._PRT]
[ 1.136465] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCE6._PRT]
[ 1.136752] pci0000:00: Requesting ACPI _OSC control (0x1d)
[ 1.137059] pci0000:00: ACPI _OSC control (0x1d) granted
[ 1.144608] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 4 7 10 11 14 15) *0
[ 1.144699] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 4 7 10 11 14 15) *0
[ 1.144789] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 4 7 10 11 14 15) *0
[ 1.144889] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 4 7 10 11 14 15) *0
[ 1.144957] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs 4 7 10 11 14 15) *0
[ 1.145014] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs 4 7 10 11 14 15) *0
[ 1.145068] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs 4 7 10 11 14 15) *0
[ 1.145121] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs 4 7 10 11 14 15) *0
[ 1.145268] vgaarb: device added: PCI:0000:03:00.0,decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none
[ 1.145273] vgaarb: loaded
[ 1.145897] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
[ 1.145904] PCI: pci_cache_line_size set to 64 bytes
[ 1.146035] reserve RAM buffer: 0000000000093800 - 000000000009ffff
[ 1.146039] reserve RAM buffer: 00000000df830000 - 00000000dfffffff
[ 1.146194] NetLabel: Initializing
[ 1.146197] NetLabel: domain hash size = 128
[ 1.146200] NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4
[ 1.146217] NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default
[ 1.146231] hpet0: at MMIO 0xfed00000, IRQs 2, 8, 0
[ 1.146238] hpet0: 3 comparators, 32-bit 14.318180 MHz counter
[ 1.147880] Switching to clocksource hpet
[ 1.148783] Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #1
[ 1.148788] Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #0
[ 1.155317] pnp: PnP ACPI init
[ 1.155339] ACPI: bus type pnp registered
[ 1.155817] pnp 00:00: [bus 00-ff]
[ 1.155822] pnp 00:00: [io 0x0cf8-0x0cff]
[ 1.155826] pnp 00:00: [io 0x0000-0x0cf7 window]
[ 1.155830] pnp 00:00: [io 0x0d00-0xffff window]
[ 1.155834] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window]
[ 1.155838] pnp 00:00: [mem 0x000d0000-0x000dffff window]
[ 1.155842] pnp 00:00: [mem 0xe0000000-0xdfffffff window disabled]
[ 1.155846] pnp 00:00: [mem 0xf0000000-0xfebfffff window]
[ 1.155850] pnp 00:00: [mem 0xe0000000-0xdfffffff window disabled]
[ 1.155854] pnp 00:00: [mem 0xf0000000-0xffffffff window]
[ 1.155931] pnp 00:00: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0a08 PNP0a03 (active)
[ 1.156090] pnp 00:01: [mem 0x00000000-0xffffffffffffffff disabled]
[ 1.156095] pnp 00:01: [mem 0x00000000-0xffffffffffffffff disabled]
[ 1.156164] system 00:01: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[ 1.156248] pnp 00:02: [dma 4]
[ 1.156251] pnp 00:02: [io 0x0000-0x000f]
[ 1.156255] pnp 00:02: [io 0x0081-0x0083]
[ 1.156258] pnp 00:02: [io 0x0087]
[ 1.156261] pnp 00:02: [io 0x0089-0x008b]
[ 1.156264] pnp 00:02: [io 0x008f]
[ 1.156267] pnp 00:02: [io 0x00c0-0x00df]
[ 1.156301] pnp 00:02: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0200 (active)
[ 1.156315] pnp 00:03: [io 0x0070-0x0071]
[ 1.156330] pnp 00:03: [irq 8]
[ 1.156371] pnp 00:03: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0b00 (active)
[ 1.156431] pnp 00:04: [io 0x0061]
[ 1.156465] pnp 00:04: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0800 (active)
[ 1.156478] pnp 00:05: [io 0x00f0-0x00ff]
[ 1.156489] pnp 00:05: [irq 13]
[ 1.156525] pnp 00:05: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c04 (active)
[ 1.156562] pnp 00:06: [mem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff]
[ 1.156598] pnp 00:06: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0103 (active)
[ 1.156708] pnp 00:07: [io 0x0060]
[ 1.156711] pnp 00:07: [io 0x0064]
[ 1.156715] pnp 00:07: [mem 0xfec00000-0xfec00fff]
[ 1.156718] pnp 00:07: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee00fff]
[ 1.156782] system 00:07: [mem 0xfec00000-0xfec00fff] could not be reserved
[ 1.156787] system 00:07: [mem 0xfee00000-0xfee00fff] has been reserved
[ 1.156792] system 00:07: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[ 1.156999] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0010-0x001f]
[ 1.157015] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0022-0x003f]
[ 1.157018] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0062-0x0063]
[ 1.157021] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0065-0x006f]
[ 1.157024] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0072-0x007f]
[ 1.157027] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0080]
[ 1.157030] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0084-0x0086]
[ 1.157033] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0088]
[ 1.157036] pnp 00:08: [io 0x008c-0x008e]
[ 1.157039] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0090-0x009f]
[ 1.157042] pnp 00:08: [io 0x00a2-0x00bf]
[ 1.157045] pnp 00:08: [io 0x00b1]
[ 1.157048] pnp 00:08: [io 0x00e0-0x00ef]
[ 1.157052] pnp 00:08: [io 0x04d0-0x04d1]
[ 1.157055] pnp 00:08: [io 0x040b]
[ 1.157058] pnp 00:08: [io 0x04d6]
[ 1.157061] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0c00-0x0c01]
[ 1.157064] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0c14]
[ 1.157067] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0c50-0x0c51]
[ 1.157070] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0c52]
[ 1.157073] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0c6c]
[ 1.157075] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0c6f]
[ 1.157078] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0cd0-0x0cd1]
[ 1.157082] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0cd2-0x0cd3]
[ 1.157085] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0cd4-0x0cd5]
[ 1.157088] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0cd6-0x0cd7]
[ 1.157091] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0cd8-0x0cdf]
[ 1.157094] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0800-0x089f]
[ 1.157098] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0000-0xffffffffffffffff disabled]
[ 1.157101] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0b00-0x0b1f]
[ 1.157105] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0b20-0x0b3f]
[ 1.157108] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0900-0x090f]
[ 1.157111] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0910-0x091f]
[ 1.157114] pnp 00:08: [io 0xfe00-0xfefe]
[ 1.157117] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0060]
[ 1.157120] pnp 00:08: [io 0x0064]
[ 1.157127] pnp 00:08: [mem 0xffb80000-0xffbfffff]
[ 1.157130] pnp 00:08: [mem 0xfec10000-0xfec1001f]
[ 1.157134] pnp 00:08: [mem 0xfed80000-0xfed80fff]
[ 1.157138] pnp 00:08: [mem 0x00000000-0xffffffffffffffff disabled]
[ 1.157286] system 00:08: [io 0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved
[ 1.157291] system 00:08: [io 0x040b] has been reserved
[ 1.157295] system 00:08: [io 0x04d6] has been reserved
[ 1.157299] system 00:08: [io 0x0c00-0x0c01] has been reserved
[ 1.157304] system 00:08: [io 0x0c14] has been reserved
[ 1.157308] system 00:08: [io 0x0c50-0x0c51] has been reserved
[ 1.157312] system 00:08: [io 0x0c52] has been reserved
[ 1.157316] system 00:08: [io 0x0c6c] has been reserved
[ 1.157320] system 00:08: [io 0x0c6f] has been reserved
[ 1.157324] system 00:08: [io 0x0cd0-0x0cd1] has been reserved
[ 1.157329] system 00:08: [io 0x0cd2-0x0cd3] has been reserved
[ 1.157333] system 00:08: [io 0x0cd4-0x0cd5] has been reserved
[ 1.157338] system 00:08: [io 0x0cd6-0x0cd7] has been reserved
[ 1.157342] system 00:08: [io 0x0cd8-0x0cdf] has been reserved
[ 1.157346] system 00:08: [io 0x0800-0x089f] has been reserved
[ 1.157351] system 00:08: [io 0x0b00-0x0b1f] has been reserved
[ 1.157355] system 00:08: [io 0x0b20-0x0b3f] has been reserved
[ 1.157360] system 00:08: [io 0x0900-0x090f] has been reserved
[ 1.157364] system 00:08: [io 0x0910-0x091f] has been reserved
[ 1.157369] system 00:08: [io 0xfe00-0xfefe] has been reserved
[ 1.157375] system 00:08: [mem 0xffb80000-0xffbfffff] has been reserved
[ 1.157380] system 00:08: [mem 0xfec10000-0xfec1001f] has been reserved
[ 1.157385] system 00:08: [mem 0xfed80000-0xfed80fff] has been reserved
[ 1.157390] system 00:08: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[ 1.157454] pnp 00:09: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff]
[ 1.157513] system 00:09: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] has been reserved
[ 1.157518] system 00:09: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
[ 1.157659] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff]
[ 1.157663] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0x00000000-0xffffffffffffffff disabled]
[ 1.157667] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0x000e0000-0x000fffff]
[ 1.157670] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0x00100000-0xdfffffff]
[ 1.157674] pnp 00:0a: [mem 0xfec00000-0xffffffff]
[ 1.157742] system 00:0a: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved
[ 1.157747] system 00:0a: [mem 0x000e0000-0x000fffff] could not be reserved
[ 1.157752] system 00:0a: [mem 0x00100000-0xdfffffff] could not be reserved
[ 1.157757] system 00:0a: [mem 0xfec00000-0xffffffff] could not be reserved
[ 1.157762] system 00:0a: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c01 (active)
[ 1.157897] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 11 devices
[ 1.157899] ACPI: ACPI bus type pnp unregistered
[ 1.164345] pci 0000:00:02.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-01]
[ 1.164351] pci 0000:00:02.0: bridge window [io 0xd000-0xdfff]
[ 1.164357] pci 0000:00:02.0: bridge window [mem 0xfdf00000-0xfdffffff]
[ 1.164362] pci 0000:00:02.0: bridge window [mem pref disabled]
[ 1.164369] pci 0000:02:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 03-03]
[ 1.164374] pci 0000:02:00.0: bridge window [io 0xe000-0xefff]
[ 1.164382] pci 0000:02:00.0: bridge window [mem 0xfe000000-0xfe8fffff]
[ 1.164389] pci 0000:02:00.0: bridge window [mem pref disabled]
[ 1.164399] pci 0000:00:04.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-03]
[ 1.164403] pci 0000:00:04.0: bridge window [io 0xe000-0xefff]
[ 1.164409] pci 0000:00:04.0: bridge window [mem 0xfe000000-0xfe8fffff]
[ 1.164414] pci 0000:00:04.0: bridge window [mem pref disabled]
[ 1.164420] pci 0000:00:06.0: PCI bridge to [bus 04-04]
[ 1.164423] pci 0000:00:06.0: bridge window [io disabled]
[ 1.164429] pci 0000:00:06.0: bridge window [mem 0xfe900000-0xfe9fffff]
[ 1.164433] pci 0000:00:06.0: bridge window [mem pref disabled]
[ 1.164439] pci 0000:00:14.4: PCI bridge to [bus 05-05]
[ 1.164443] pci 0000:00:14.4: bridge window [io disabled]
[ 1.164453] pci 0000:00:14.4: bridge window [mem disabled]
[ 1.164458] pci 0000:00:14.4: bridge window [mem pref disabled]
[ 1.164481] pci 0000:00:02.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
[ 1.164488] pci 0000:00:02.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 1.164500] pci 0000:00:04.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
[ 1.164505] pci 0000:00:04.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 1.164516] pci 0000:02:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
[ 1.164523] pci 0000:02:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 1.164531] pci 0000:00:06.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
[ 1.164536] pci 0000:00:06.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 1.164547] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 4 [io 0x0000-0x0cf7]
[ 1.164551] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 5 [io 0x0d00-0xffff]
[ 1.164555] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 6 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
[ 1.164559] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 7 [mem 0x000d0000-0x000dffff]
[ 1.164564] pci_bus 0000:00: resource 8 [mem 0xf0000000-0xffffffff]
[ 1.164568] pci_bus 0000:01: resource 0 [io 0xd000-0xdfff]
[ 1.164572] pci_bus 0000:01: resource 1 [mem 0xfdf00000-0xfdffffff]
[ 1.164576] pci_bus 0000:02: resource 0 [io 0xe000-0xefff]
[ 1.164580] pci_bus 0000:02: resource 1 [mem 0xfe000000-0xfe8fffff]
[ 1.164585] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 0 [io 0xe000-0xefff]
[ 1.164589] pci_bus 0000:03: resource 1 [mem 0xfe000000-0xfe8fffff]
[ 1.164593] pci_bus 0000:04: resource 1 [mem 0xfe900000-0xfe9fffff]
[ 1.164597] pci_bus 0000:05: resource 4 [io 0x0000-0x0cf7]
[ 1.164601] pci_bus 0000:05: resource 5 [io 0x0d00-0xffff]
[ 1.164605] pci_bus 0000:05: resource 6 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
[ 1.164610] pci_bus 0000:05: resource 7 [mem 0x000d0000-0x000dffff]
[ 1.164614] pci_bus 0000:05: resource 8 [mem 0xf0000000-0xffffffff]
[ 1.164664] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[ 1.164891] IP route cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
[ 1.166700] TCP established hash table entries: 524288 (order: 11, 8388608 bytes)
[ 1.170805] TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
[ 1.171317] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 524288 bind 65536)
[ 1.171321] TCP reno registered
[ 1.171339] UDP hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[ 1.171394] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[ 1.171579] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[ 2.000230] pci 0000:03:00.0: Boot video device
[ 2.000242] PCI: CLS 64 bytes, default 64
[ 2.000319] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
[ 3.082401] Freeing initrd memory: 31012k freed
[ 3.098965] PCI-DMA: Disabling AGP.
[ 3.099163] PCI-DMA: aperture base @ c0000000 size 65536 KB
[ 3.099166] PCI-DMA: using GART IOMMU.
[ 3.099171] PCI-DMA: Reserving 64MB of IOMMU area in the AGP aperture
[ 3.104859] microcode: CPU0: patch_level=0x010000c8
[ 3.104870] microcode: CPU1: patch_level=0x010000c8
[ 3.104906] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.00 <>, Peter Oruba
[ 3.105075] audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
[ 3.105090] type=2000 audit(1328559303.104:1): initialized
[ 3.131141] HugeTLB registered 2 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
[ 3.134626] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.2
[ 3.134722] Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
[ 3.134945] msgmni has been set to 7909
[ 3.135490] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 253)
[ 3.135608] io scheduler noop registered
[ 3.135614] io scheduler deadline registered
[ 3.135686] io scheduler cfq registered (default)
[ 3.135965] pcieport 0000:00:02.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 3.136031] pcieport 0000:00:02.0: irq 40 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 3.136220] pcieport 0000:00:04.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 3.136255] pcieport 0000:00:04.0: irq 41 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 3.136423] pcieport 0000:00:06.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 3.136459] pcieport 0000:00:06.0: irq 42 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 3.136789] pcieport 0000:00:02.0: Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt
[ 3.136796] pci 0000:01:00.0: Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt
[ 3.136802] pcie_pme 0000:00:02.0:pcie01: service driver pcie_pme loaded
[ 3.136824] pcieport 0000:00:04.0: Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt
[ 3.136828] pci 0000:02:00.0: Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt
[ 3.136831] pci 0000:03:00.0: Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt
[ 3.136836] pcie_pme 0000:00:04.0:pcie01: service driver pcie_pme loaded
[ 3.136853] pcieport 0000:00:06.0: Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt
[ 3.136857] pci 0000:04:00.0: Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt
[ 3.136862] pcie_pme 0000:00:06.0:pcie01: service driver pcie_pme loaded
[ 3.136946] vesafb: mode is 800x600x16, linelength=1600, pages=7
[ 3.136949] vesafb: scrolling: redraw
[ 3.136953] vesafb: Truecolor: size=0:5:6:5, shift=0:11:5:0
[ 3.137318] vesafb: framebuffer at 0xfe000000, mapped to 0xffffc90011100000, using 1875k, total 8192k
[ 3.185063] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 100x37
[ 3.232829] fb0: VESA VGA frame buffer device
[ 3.232949] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0C0C:00/input/input0
[ 3.232957] ACPI: Power Button [PWRB]
[ 3.233068] input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input1
[ 3.233073] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF]
[ 3.233110] ACPI: acpi_idle registered with cpuidle
[ 3.233167] ACPI: processor limited to max C-state 1
[ 3.234485] APEI: Can not request iomem region <00000000dffc21ea-00000000dffc21ec> for GARs.
[ 3.235809] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
[ 3.238773] Linux agpgart interface v0.103
[ 3.240308] brd: module loaded
[ 3.240456] i8042: PNP: No PS/2 controller found. Probing ports directly.
[ 3.241368] i8042: No controller found
[ 3.241957] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
[ 3.242246] rtc_cmos 00:03: RTC can wake from S4
[ 3.245264] rtc_cmos 00:03: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
[ 3.245304] rtc0: alarms up to one month, y3k, 114 bytes nvram, hpet irqs
[ 3.245325] cpuidle: using governor ladder
[ 3.245328] cpuidle: using governor menu
[ 3.245657] TCP cubic registered
[ 3.245660] Registering the dns_resolver key type
[ 3.245768] PM: Checking hibernation image partition UUID=a6135b8d-231a-4b0c-bd70-90e593a98242
[ 3.245774] PM: Hibernation image not present or could not be loaded.
[ 3.245789] registered taskstats version 1
[ 3.246906] Magic number: 0:267:295
[ 3.246934] tty tty28: hash matches
[ 3.247021] rtc_cmos 00:03: setting system clock to 2012-02-06 20:15:03 UTC (1328559303)
[ 3.247026] BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 3 devices found
[ 3.249444] Freeing unused kernel memory: 772k freed
[ 3.249739] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 8192k
[ 3.261057] Freeing unused kernel memory: 1856k freed
[ 3.262333] Freeing unused kernel memory: 48k freed
[ 3.312387] dracut: dracut-010-6
[ 3.366772] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
[ 3.366900] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.20.0-ioctl (2011-02-02) initialised:
[ 3.371997] loop: module loaded
[ 3.379428] udevd[138]: starting version 168
[ 4.106141] Refined TSC clocksource calibration: 1297.838 MHz.
[ 4.106155] Switching to clocksource tsc
[ 4.465472] dracut: Starting plymouth daemon
[ 5.364635] SCSI subsystem initialized
[ 5.393741] e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 1.3.10-k2
[ 5.393746] e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation.
[ 5.396076] e1000e 0000:01:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
[ 5.396102] e1000e 0000:01:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 5.396316] e1000e 0000:01:00.0: irq 43 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 5.396324] e1000e 0000:01:00.0: irq 44 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 5.396330] e1000e 0000:01:00.0: irq 45 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 5.396504] e1000e 0000:01:00.0: Disabling ASPM L0s
[ 5.422244] libata version 3.00 loaded.
[ 5.423388] tg3.c:v3.117 (January 25, 2011)
[ 5.423411] tg3 0000:04:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
[ 5.423423] tg3 0000:04:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 5.436673] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[ 5.436708] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[ 5.436795] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[ 5.436876] pata_atiixp 0000:00:14.1: PCI INT B -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
[ 5.436920] pata_atiixp 0000:00:14.1: setting latency timer to 64
[ 5.440096] scsi0 : pata_atiixp
[ 5.441415] scsi1 : pata_atiixp
[ 5.442225] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
[ 5.442419] ata1: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xff00 irq 14
[ 5.442424] ata2: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xff08 irq 15
[ 5.445537] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
[ 5.445555] ahci 0000:00:11.0: version 3.0
[ 5.445619] ahci 0000:00:11.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 19 (level, low) -> IRQ 19
[ 5.445701] ahci 0000:00:11.0: irq 46 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 5.445804] ahci 0000:00:11.0: AHCI 0001.0200 32 slots 4 ports 3 Gbps 0xf impl RAID mode
[ 5.445811] ahci 0000:00:11.0: flags: 64bit ncq sntf ilck pm led clo pmp pio slum part
[ 5.473698] tg3 0000:04:00.0: eth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95723) rev 5784100] (PCI Express) MAC address d4:85:64:cc:52:18
[ 5.473704] tg3 0000:04:00.0: eth0: attached PHY is 5784 (10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet) (WireSpeed[1])
[ 5.473709] tg3 0000:04:00.0: eth0: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[0] TSOcap[1]
[ 5.473713] tg3 0000:04:00.0: eth0: dma_rwctrl[76180000] dma_mask[64-bit]
[ 5.474246] scsi2 : ahci
[ 5.474386] scsi3 : ahci
[ 5.474550] scsi4 : ahci
[ 5.474637] scsi5 : ahci
[ 5.474700] ata3: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0xfdeffc00 port 0xfdeffd00 irq 46
[ 5.474706] ata4: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0xfdeffc00 port 0xfdeffd80 irq 46
[ 5.474711] ata5: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0xfdeffc00 port 0xfdeffe00 irq 46
[ 5.474717] ata6: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0xfdeffc00 port 0xfdeffe80 irq 46
[ 5.474826] ehci_hcd 0000:00:12.2: PCI INT B -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
[ 5.474884] ehci_hcd 0000:00:12.2: EHCI Host Controller
[ 5.474931] ehci_hcd 0000:00:12.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
[ 5.479140] ehci_hcd 0000:00:12.2: applying AMD SB700/SB800/Hudson-2/3 EHCI dummy qh workaround
[ 5.479174] QUIRK: Enable AMD PLL fix
[ 5.479191] ehci_hcd 0000:00:12.2: debug port 1
[ 5.479226] ehci_hcd 0000:00:12.2: irq 17, io mem 0xfdeff800
[ 5.485128] ehci_hcd 0000:00:12.2: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
[ 5.485171] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
[ 5.485176] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[ 5.485180] usb usb1: Product: EHCI Host Controller
[ 5.485184] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux ehci_hcd
[ 5.485187] usb usb1: SerialNumber: 0000:00:12.2
[ 5.485376] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
[ 5.485383] hub 1-0:1.0: 5 ports detected
[ 5.485597] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: PCI INT B -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
[ 5.485632] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: EHCI Host Controller
[ 5.485653] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
[ 5.485694] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: applying AMD SB700/SB800/Hudson-2/3 EHCI dummy qh workaround
[ 5.485726] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: debug port 1
[ 5.485750] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: irq 17, io mem 0xfdeff400
[ 5.491100] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
[ 5.491143] usb usb2: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
[ 5.491147] usb usb2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[ 5.491151] usb usb2: Product: EHCI Host Controller
[ 5.491155] usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux ehci_hcd
[ 5.491158] usb usb2: SerialNumber: 0000:00:13.2
[ 5.491338] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
[ 5.491344] hub 2-0:1.0: 5 ports detected
[ 5.491544] ehci_hcd 0000:00:16.2: PCI INT B -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
[ 5.491581] ehci_hcd 0000:00:16.2: EHCI Host Controller
[ 5.491593] ehci_hcd 0000:00:16.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3
[ 5.494128] ehci_hcd 0000:00:16.2: applying AMD SB700/SB800/Hudson-2/3 EHCI dummy qh workaround
[ 5.494176] ehci_hcd 0000:00:16.2: debug port 1
[ 5.494199] ehci_hcd 0000:00:16.2: irq 17, io mem 0xfdeff000
[ 5.500128] ehci_hcd 0000:00:16.2: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
[ 5.500171] usb usb3: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
[ 5.500175] usb usb3: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[ 5.500179] usb usb3: Product: EHCI Host Controller
[ 5.500182] usb usb3: Manufacturer: Linux ehci_hcd
[ 5.500186] usb usb3: SerialNumber: 0000:00:16.2
[ 5.500371] hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found
[ 5.500378] hub 3-0:1.0: 4 ports detected
[ 5.500590] ohci_hcd 0000:00:12.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
[ 5.500626] ohci_hcd 0000:00:12.0: OHCI Host Controller
[ 5.500646] ohci_hcd 0000:00:12.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4
[ 5.503201] ohci_hcd 0000:00:12.0: irq 18, io mem 0xfdefe000
[ 5.514554] e1000e 0000:01:00.0: eth1: (PCI Express:2.5GB/s:Width x1) 00:1b:21:8b:63:32
[ 5.514560] e1000e 0000:01:00.0: eth1: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection
[ 5.514575] e1000e 0000:01:00.0: eth1: MAC: 3, PHY: 8, PBA No: E46981-004
[ 5.558141] usb usb4: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
[ 5.558148] usb usb4: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[ 5.558152] usb usb4: Product: OHCI Host Controller
[ 5.558155] usb usb4: Manufacturer: Linux ohci_hcd
[ 5.558158] usb usb4: SerialNumber: 0000:00:12.0
[ 5.558340] hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found
[ 5.558354] hub 4-0:1.0: 5 ports detected
[ 5.558547] ohci_hcd 0000:00:13.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
[ 5.558581] ohci_hcd 0000:00:13.0: OHCI Host Controller
[ 5.558594] ohci_hcd 0000:00:13.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 5
[ 5.558654] ohci_hcd 0000:00:13.0: irq 18, io mem 0xfdefd000
[ 5.613134] usb usb5: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
[ 5.613140] usb usb5: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[ 5.613144] usb usb5: Product: OHCI Host Controller
[ 5.613147] usb usb5: Manufacturer: Linux ohci_hcd
[ 5.613150] usb usb5: SerialNumber: 0000:00:13.0
[ 5.613330] hub 5-0:1.0: USB hub found
[ 5.613339] hub 5-0:1.0: 5 ports detected
[ 5.613651] ohci_hcd 0000:00:16.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
[ 5.613689] ohci_hcd 0000:00:16.0: OHCI Host Controller
[ 5.613702] ohci_hcd 0000:00:16.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 6
[ 5.622084] ohci_hcd 0000:00:16.0: irq 18, io mem 0xfdefc000
[ 5.623443] ata1.01: ATAPI: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22NS50, TN02, max UDMA/100
[ 5.623452] ata1.01: limited to UDMA/33 due to 40-wire cable
[ 5.629558] ata1.01: configured for UDMA/33
[ 5.639270] scsi 0:0:1:0: CD-ROM HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22NS50 TN02 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[ 5.677174] usb usb6: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
[ 5.677180] usb usb6: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[ 5.677185] usb usb6: Product: OHCI Host Controller
[ 5.677188] usb usb6: Manufacturer: Linux ohci_hcd
[ 5.677191] usb usb6: SerialNumber: 0000:00:16.0
[ 5.677507] hub 6-0:1.0: USB hub found
[ 5.677552] hub 6-0:1.0: 4 ports detected
[ 5.780133] ata6: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
[ 5.787131] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device number 2 using ehci_hcd
[ 5.902861] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0bc2, idProduct=2300
[ 5.902867] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[ 5.902871] usb 1-1: Product: Portable
[ 5.902874] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Seagate
[ 5.902877] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: 2GH15RX0
[ 5.934134] ata4: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
[ 5.935089] ata3: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
[ 5.935124] ata5: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
[ 5.936312] ata5.00: ATA-8: ST3500413AS, JC45, max UDMA/133
[ 5.936318] ata5.00: 976773168 sectors, multi 0: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
[ 5.937689] ata5.00: configured for UDMA/133
[ 5.943654] ata4.00: ATA-8: WDC WD2502ABYS-18B7A0, 02.03B05, max UDMA/133
[ 5.943660] ata4.00: 488281250 sectors, multi 0: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
[ 5.944205] ata3.00: ATA-8: WDC WD2502ABYS-18B7A0, 02.03B05, max UDMA/133
[ 5.944211] ata3.00: 488281250 sectors, multi 0: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
[ 5.944841] ata4.00: configured for UDMA/133
[ 5.945349] ata3.00: configured for UDMA/133
[ 5.945635] scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access ATA WDC WD2502ABYS-1 02.0 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[ 5.946094] scsi 3:0:0:0: Direct-Access ATA WDC WD2502ABYS-1 02.0 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[ 5.946405] scsi 4:0:0:0: Direct-Access ATA ST3500413AS JC45 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[ 5.990820] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 48x/48x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
[ 5.990827] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
[ 5.991053] sr 0:0:1:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0
[ 5.991729] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] 488281250 512-byte logical blocks: (250 GB/232 GiB)
[ 5.991791] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
[ 5.991796] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
[ 5.991822] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
[ 5.992424] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] 488281250 512-byte logical blocks: (250 GB/232 GiB)
[ 5.992479] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
[ 5.992483] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
[ 5.992508] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] Write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
[ 5.993031] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] 976773168 512-byte logical blocks: (500 GB/465 GiB)
[ 5.993085] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off
[ 5.993089] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
[ 5.993114] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] Write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
[ 5.998532] sdb: unknown partition table
[ 5.998772] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk
[ 6.009956] sdc: sdc1
[ 6.010566] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI disk
[ 6.020778] sda: sda1 sda2 < sda5 sda6 >
[ 6.021325] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
[ 6.074143] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
[ 6.074532] scsi6 : usb-storage 1-1:1.0
[ 6.074662] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[ 6.074666] USB Mass Storage support registered.
[ 6.077334] usbcore: registered new interface driver uas
[ 6.158104] usb 2-2: new high speed USB device number 2 using ehci_hcd
[ 6.273709] usb 2-2: New USB device found, idVendor=0624, idProduct=0248
[ 6.273716] usb 2-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[ 6.273721] usb 2-2: Product: USB Composite Device-0
[ 6.273724] usb 2-2: Manufacturer: Avocent
[ 6.273727] usb 2-2: SerialNumber: 20090730
[ 6.298658] input: Avocent USB Composite Device-0 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:13.2/usb2/2-2/2-2:1.0/input/input2
[ 6.298783] generic-usb 0003:0624:0248.0001: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.00 Keyboard [Avocent USB Composite Device-0] on usb-0000:00:13.2-2/input0
[ 6.300131] input: Avocent USB Composite Device-0 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:13.2/usb2/2-2/2-2:1.1/input/input3
[ 6.300298] generic-usb 0003:0624:0248.0002: input,hidraw1: USB HID v1.00 Mouse [Avocent USB Composite Device-0] on usb-0000:00:13.2-2/input1
[ 6.301957] input: Avocent USB Composite Device-0 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:13.2/usb2/2-2/2-2:1.2/input/input4
[ 6.302148] generic-usb 0003:0624:0248.0003: input,hidraw2: USB HID v1.00 Mouse [Avocent USB Composite Device-0] on usb-0000:00:13.2-2/input2
[ 6.302412] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
[ 6.302416] usbhid: USB HID core driver
[ 6.502105] usb 4-2: new low speed USB device number 2 using ohci_hcd
[ 6.666180] usb 4-2: New USB device found, idVendor=413c, idProduct=2107
[ 6.666186] usb 4-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
[ 6.666191] usb 4-2: Product: Dell USB Entry Keyboard
[ 6.666195] usb 4-2: Manufacturer: Dell
[ 6.681262] input: Dell Dell USB Entry Keyboard as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:12.0/usb4/4-2/4-2:1.0/input/input5
[ 6.681355] generic-usb 0003:413C:2107.0004: input,hidraw3: USB HID v1.10 Keyboard [Dell Dell USB Entry Keyboard] on usb-0000:00:12.0-2/input0
[ 6.909117] usb 4-3: new low speed USB device number 3 using ohci_hcd
[ 7.059171] usb 4-3: New USB device found, idVendor=046d, idProduct=c016
[ 7.059177] usb 4-3: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
[ 7.059182] usb 4-3: Product: Optical USB Mouse
[ 7.059185] usb 4-3: Manufacturer: Logitech
[ 7.066507] input: Logitech Optical USB Mouse as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:12.0/usb4/4-3/4-3:1.0/input/input6
[ 7.066632] generic-usb 0003:046D:C016.0005: input,hidraw4: USB HID v1.10 Mouse [Logitech Optical USB Mouse] on usb-0000:00:12.0-3/input0
[ 7.077748] scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access Seagate Portable 0130 PQ: 0 ANSI: 4
[ 7.079560] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdd] 488397168 512-byte logical blocks: (250 GB/232 GiB)
[ 7.080175] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdd] Write Protect is off
[ 7.080181] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdd] Mode Sense: 2f 08 00 00
[ 7.080184] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdd] Assuming drive cache: write through
[ 7.081551] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdd] Assuming drive cache: write through
[ 7.141482] sdd: sdd1 < sdd5 >
[ 7.143332] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdd] Assuming drive cache: write through
[ 7.143338] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdd] Attached SCSI disk
[ 7.293052] usb 4-5: new low speed USB device number 4 using ohci_hcd
[ 7.445187] usb 4-5: New USB device found, idVendor=04b4, idProduct=5500
[ 7.445193] usb 4-5: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
[ 7.445198] usb 4-5: Product: USB to Serial
[ 7.445202] usb 4-5: Manufacturer: Cypress Semiconductor
[ 8.326970] PM: Marking nosave pages: 0000000000093000 - 0000000000100000
[ 8.326979] PM: Marking nosave pages: 00000000df830000 - 0000000100000000
[ 8.327835] PM: Marking nosave pages: 00000000c0000000 - 00000000c4000000
[ 8.328322] PM: Basic memory bitmaps created
[ 8.364167] PM: Basic memory bitmaps freed
[ 8.371765] PM: Starting manual resume from disk
[ 8.371772] PM: Hibernation image partition 8:5 present
[ 8.371775] PM: Looking for hibernation image.
[ 8.372052] PM: Image not found (code -22)
[ 8.372083] PM: Hibernation image not present or could not be loaded.
[ 8.425995] EXT3-fs: barriers not enabled
[ 8.436860] kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
[ 8.436940] EXT3-fs (sda1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode
[ 8.494873] dracut: Checking filesystems
[ 8.494911] dracut: fsck -T -t noopts=_netdev -A -a
[ 8.646567] dracut: /dev/sda1: clean, 728312/6111232 files, 4863683/24413696 blocks
[ 8.646925] dracut: Remounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/d065cb4c-287f-4691-a561-24f1dbceed3b with -o ro,
[ 8.676717] EXT3-fs: barriers not enabled
[ 8.677073] kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
[ 8.677134] EXT3-fs (sda1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode
[ 8.788112] dracut: Mounted root filesystem /dev/sda1
[ 9.055336] dracut: Switching root
[ 9.089157] Not activating Mandatory Access Control now since /sbin/tomoyo-init doesn't exist.
[ 9.361319] systemd[1]: systemd 29 running in system mode. (+PAM +LIBWRAP +AUDIT -SELINUX +SYSVINIT +LIBCRYPTSETUP; mandriva)
[ 9.564585] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[ 9.577361] systemd[1]: Set hostname to <mandriva-server.localhost>.
[ 9.589804] systemd[1]: /etc/mtab is not a symlink or not pointing to /proc/self/mounts. This is not supported anymore. Please make sure to replace this file by a symlink to avoid incorrect or misleading mount(8) output.
[ 9.878454] systemd[1]: [/etc/rc.d/init.d/ip6tables:19] Failed to add LSB Provides name firewall.service, ignoring: File exists
[ 10.523494] EXT3-fs (sda1): using internal journal
[ 10.757956] udevd[506]: starting version 168
[ 10.833603] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:73
[ 10.833631] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:76
[ 10.833651] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:77
[ 10.833669] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:78
[ 10.833687] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:79
[ 10.833718] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:80
[ 10.833736] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:81
[ 10.833755] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:82
[ 10.833773] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:83
[ 10.833792] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:84
[ 10.833810] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:85
[ 10.833828] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:86
[ 10.833852] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:87
[ 10.833872] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:88
[ 10.833895] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:89
[ 10.833919] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:90
[ 10.833938] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:91
[ 10.833961] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:92
[ 10.833983] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:93
[ 10.834027] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:94
[ 10.834049] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:95
[ 10.834068] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:96
[ 10.834090] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:97
[ 10.834113] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:98
[ 10.834135] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:99
[ 10.834157] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:100
[ 10.834180] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:101
[ 10.834198] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:105
[ 10.834216] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:106
[ 10.834233] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:107
[ 10.834251] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:108
[ 10.834269] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:109
[ 10.834288] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:110
[ 10.834305] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:111
[ 10.834323] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:112
[ 10.834340] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:113
[ 10.834357] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:114
[ 10.834374] udevd[506]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:115
[ 10.834390] udevd[506]: NAME="%k" is ignored, because it breaks kernel supplied names, please remove it from /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hso-udev.rules:124
[ 11.037413] kvm: Nested Virtualization enabled
[ 11.037422] kvm: Nested Paging enabled
[ 11.348485] /etc/rc.modules[692]: Loading modules: vboxguest
[ 11.464067] pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5
[ 11.488098] shpchp: Standard Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.4
[ 11.493521] SP5100 TCO timer: SP5100 TCO WatchDog Timer Driver v0.01
[ 11.493642] SP5100 TCO timer: mmio

23. Re: Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 07/02/2012 - 12:54h

/sbin/modprobe ip_tables
/sbin/modprobe iptable_filter
/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack
/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp
/sbin/modprobe nf_conntrack_ipv4
/sbin/modprobe ip_nat_ftp
/sbin/modprobe ipt_MASQUERADE
/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle
/sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
/sbin/modprobe nf_nat
/sbin/modprobe nf_conntrack
/sbin/modprobe x_tables
# A linha acima é conhecida como shebang e serve para chamar o interpretador do script
# poderia-se trocar o bash pelo sh ou outro shell de sua preferência

# exemplo de script de firewall
# Data de Criação: 30/01/2012
# Copiado por Alexandre Andrade

# Declarando as Variáveis #

# Interface Wan

# Interface Lan

# Ip da Rede Interna

# Portas Liberadas TCP

# Portas Liberadas UDP

# Portas Liberadas para a Rede Interna

# Esta função limpa as regras criadas anteriormente, e insere as regras listadas na função

function start () {


# Limpa as regras da tabela filter
iptables -F

# Limpa as regras da tabela nat
iptables -t nat -F

# Define as politicas padrões do IPTABLES como DROP
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP

# Habilita o roteamento no KERNEL
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# Cria a ida e volta do acesso nas chains INPUT, OUTPUT e FORWARD, assim não precisamos criar a ida e volta nas regras
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# Regras de NAT
# Compartilha a INTERNET

# Redireciona o acesso RDP para outro seervidor dentro da REDE INTERNA
#iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 3389 -j REDIRECT --to

# Regras de INPUT

# Libera o acesso SSH de qualquer origem
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 60022 -j ACCEPT

# Libera o squid a partir da REDE INTERNA
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT

# Aceita ping apenas da REDE INTERNA
iptables -A INPUT -s $REDE_INTERNA -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT

# Regras de OUTPUT

# Libera as portas constantes em na variável $PORTAS_REDE_INTERNA (para liberar mais portas, basta inserir as mesmas na variável citada)
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports $PORTAS_TCP -j ACCEPT

# Liberar ping para qualquer lugar
iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT

# Regras FORWARD

#Libera as portas constantes em na variável $PORTAS_REDE_INTERNA (para liberas mais portas, basta inserir as mesma na variável citada)
#iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m multiport --dports $PORTAS_REDE_INTERNA -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 3389 -j ACCEPT

# Libera RDP citado na regra de NAT
#iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 3389 -d -j ACCEPT


# Esta função limpa todas as regras, deixa as políticas padrões com ACCEPT e deixa todo e qualquer acesso liberaso

function stop () {

# Limpa as regras existentes
iptables -F
iptables -t nat -F

# Define as politicas padrões do IPTABLES como ACCEPT
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

# Habilita o roteamento no KERNEL
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# Compartilha a internet

# Caso queira manter as regras de NAT favor copiar as regras de nat
# e as correspondentes as mesma de FORWARD aqui

iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 3389 -j ACCEPT


# Criando os parametros para o script, esses parametros serão start, stop e restart

# Qualquer parametro que não seja start, stop ou restart não será válido e nada será alterado

case $1 in




echo "Insira um parâmetro para /etc/init.d/firewall... start | stop | restart"
exit 0


24. Re: Liberar porta 3389 para acessar uma rede externa

Phillip Vieira

(usa Slackware)

Enviado em 07/02/2012 - 13:17h

O seu erro está na função stop, troque a linha




Não esqueça de copiar suas regras de NAT para a função stop

e teste novamente

01 02 03


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