Instalando qbittorrent

1. Instalando qbittorrent

Gabriel Cremonesi Vianna

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 21/01/2011 - 13:57h

Gente blz? entao é o seguinte: eu tentei instalar o qbittorrent mas deu o seguinte erro apos ./configure
Ja tentei baixar os pacotes qt4 mas ainda nao rodou.. ele diz algo com ter certeza de estar com a versão certa.. mas ainda nao encontrei isso.. se alguem pude me ajudar.. agredeceria.

debian:/home/gabriel/Downloads/qbittorrent-2.6.3# ./configure
Configuring qbittorrent ...
Verifying Qt 4 build environment ... fail

Reason: There was an error compiling 'conf'. See conf.log for details.

Be sure you have a proper Qt 4.0 build environment set up. This means not
just Qt, but also a C++ compiler, a make tool, and any other packages
necessary for compiling C++ programs.

If you are certain everything is installed, then it could be that Qt 4 is not
being recognized or that a different version of Qt is being detected by
mistake (for example, this could happen if $QTDIR is pointing to a Qt 3
installation). At least one of the following conditions must be satisfied:

1) --qtdir is set to the location of Qt
2) $QTDIR is set to the location of Qt
3) QtCore is in the pkg-config database
4) qmake is in the $PATH

This script will use the first one it finds to be true, checked in the above
order. #3 and #4 are the recommended options. #1 and #2 are mainly for
overriding the system configuration.



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