Samba com clamav

1. Samba com clamav

Sérgio Abrantes Junior

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 30/05/2009 - 15:39h


Estou tentando colocar o clamav para funcionar juntamente com o samba.
Compilei com muito sacrifício o samba-vscan com ajuda de alguns artigos que tem aqui no vol.
Após colocar as seguintes linhas no smb.conf, não consigo mais acessar o compartilhamento e apresenta uma mensagem de que não tenho acesso:

vfs object = vscan-clamav
vscan-clamav:config-file = /etc/samba/vscan-clamav.conf

Olhando no /var/log/syslog tem as seguintes mensagens:

May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19192]: [2009/05/30 15:10:17, 0] lib/module.c:do_smb_load_module(59)
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19192]: Error trying to resolve symbol 'init_samba_module' in /usr/lib/vfs/ /usr/lib/vfs/ undefin
ed symbol: init_samba_module
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19192]: [2009/05/30 15:10:17, 0] smbd/vfs.c:vfs_init_custom(176)
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19192]: Can't find a vfs module [vscan-clamav]
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19192]: [2009/05/30 15:10:17, 0] smbd/vfs.c:smbd_vfs_init(317)
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19192]: smbd_vfs_init: vfs_init_custom failed for vscan-clamav
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19192]: [2009/05/30 15:10:17, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(998)
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19192]: vfs_init failed for service linux
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19193]: [2009/05/30 15:10:17, 0] lib/module.c:do_smb_load_module(59)
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19193]: Error trying to resolve symbol 'init_samba_module' in /usr/lib/vfs/ /usr/lib/vfs/ undefin
ed symbol: init_samba_module
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19193]: [2009/05/30 15:10:17, 0] smbd/vfs.c:vfs_init_custom(176)
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19193]: Can't find a vfs module [vscan-clamav]
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19193]: [2009/05/30 15:10:17, 0] smbd/vfs.c:smbd_vfs_init(317)
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19193]: smbd_vfs_init: vfs_init_custom failed for vscan-clamav
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19193]: [2009/05/30 15:10:17, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(998)
May 30 15:10:17 Samba smbd[19193]: vfs_init failed for service linux

Uso Slackware 12.2

Sérgio Abrantes



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