NO mega jogos, consigo jogar mas não tenho som, linux mint 18 xfce

1. NO mega jogos, consigo jogar mas não tenho som, linux mint 18 xfce

Salatiel Soares

(usa Linux Mint)

Enviado em 10/11/2016 - 22:34h

O que eu faço.
SynchronizerFileData.substituteTempFile >>> com/fontec/games/billiards/resources/textures/rscpack.jar
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[com/fontec/games/billiards/resources/textures/rscpack.jar]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
toDownload.isEmpty() and currentDownload:[]
Config not defined: PREMIUM_2014
Config from service: PREMIUM_2014=true
GlobalConfiguration.setEnabled > PREMIUM_2014 true
Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment
Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment
Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment
Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment



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